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General Offces: Kansaj City, Missouri (Oregon-American Lumber Co., Vernonia, Ore.)


A. C. Horner, San Francisco, Western Division l\4anager, Nat. Lbr. Mfs.' Assn., returned recently from Pheonix where he attended the Pacific Coast Buiding Officials' Conference. He reported the approval and adoption by the conference of the Uniform Building Code. The adoption of the Cocle marked the culmination of active efforts rvhich began in 1925. The idea ofthe Code originated in 1922 in San Francisco, rvhere the Conference had its inception. NIr. Horner has, throughottt the period of the forrnation of the Code, been one of its promulgators and framers. He feels that its final adoption last rveek, at Phoenix, was a rnilestone in building code activities. It is the first regional code aclopted in the United States and rvill be particularly helpf.ul in this fast-grot ing Pacific Coast section.

Associated rvith Xlr. lforner at the Conference rvere Arthur Bevan, Assistant Secretary of the Western Recl Cedar Shingle Bureau; R. F. Hammatt, Secretary-\{anager, ancl \{ax Cook, of the California Redwood Association; and R. G. Kimbell, Washington, D. C.

R. G. Kimbell has returned to Washington. Nlr. Horner lvill leave for the Association's headquarters there early in November. He rvill attend the California Retail Lttrnl)ermen's Association Convention in Los Angeles on November 10 and 11, and rvill leave from there for Madison, Wisconsin, wl-rere he u''ill attend the National Lumber Trade Extension Con.rmittee meeting. From Madison Mr. llorner will go to Chicago to attend the Commercial Forestry Congress and visit the association's central. division office there. The eastern division office at Nerv York rvill also be visited.

Soviet Ships Firstlumber To United States

An attempt by the soviet government to introduce Russian lumber to the American market, despite an inevitable loss due to Pacific Coast competition, was seen in the recent arrival at Providence, R. I., of 3,000,000 feet of Russian redlvood and 'r.vhitewoocl on the Norrvegian freighter Wilfred.

A. C. Dutton of the Dutton Lumber Company, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.,to rvhich the lumber r,vas consigned, said his firm had agreed merely to unload the lumber and store it forthe soviet government's agency in Nerv York, the Amporg Trading Company, Inc.

Captainof Steamer Coos Bay Exonerated

In a decision rendered November 7 by Steamboat Inspector J. K. Bulger, Captain B. W. Olson was exonerated from blame in connection with the wrecking of the steamer Coos Bay, on Lands End last month. From the testimony, Captain Bulger said it appeared that while the Coos Bay was proceeding slowly through the Golden Gate, because of a heavy fog, a tide current drew the steamer onto the rocks.

Leonard Welles Down From Portland

Leonard Welles, vice president of the Umpqua Mill & Timber Co., Portland, was a San Francisco visitor the early part of this month. He spent several days calling on the trade with A. A. Dimmick, who represents them in this territory and also spent a couple of days in Los Angeles.

Wade Shifflett A San Francisco Visitor

Wade Shifflett, manager of the Napa Lumber Co., Napa, spent a couple of days in San Francisco the early part of this month, visiting the various lumber offices.


Scientific piling insures perfectly AIR DRIED lumber. Our location in the San Joaquin Valley assures us of a long drying season and ideal drying conditions.

Madera Sugar Pine

(A True and Durable Vhite Pine-Pinus Lambertiana) is both water cured and air dried. It has set a standard for QUALITY and SERVICE by which other lumber is gauged. It is the delight of the wood worker and pattetn maker the world over.

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