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ArchitectS .. .it means more l-umber Sales for You
E vERy recognized architect in your town is T.j reading, in his own trade paper,the "story of Redwood"-of its natural color, its beauty, strength and general adaptability for construction purposes. And this story is being told in an interesting and convincing manner, for the architect is recognized as an important factor in the building program.
And this Redwood preference on the part of the architect, established through these regular messages, will in turn influence prospective home owners and builders. And these new friends of Redwood will look to you for their lumber requirements. Complete stocks will assure them of a first satisfaction which is of primary importance.
Millions of feet of Redwood lumber are always in stock at Hammond's, ready for immediate shipment. Large pr-oduction by Flammond mills assures a ready supply for every retail yard. Let Hammond's serve you on your Redwood requirements.
Main Ofice:
(Continued from Page 16) to yards of any size, and that it has been already installed by thousands of dealers. He read a number of letters of commendation for the system from concerns which are using it, and also letters of praise from prominent bankers rvho have investigated it.
Mrs. Fraser read a telegram from the National Association asking for co-operation of dealers with the installation accountants.
Telegrams expressing good wishes fora successful convention were read from R. B. Allen, secretary-manager, West Coast Lumbermen's Association, and from the Florida Retail Lumbermen's Association.
J. E. Mackie, Long Beach, secretary, Pacific Coast BuildProminent Retail Dealers
The Secretary's report was read by Mrs. Fraser. This shows that the association has had a very successful year, both as regards general progress and financially. Attention is drawn to the fact that $1200 of the money borrowed from some of the directors in 1923 was repaid during the year, and the secretary announced that it was expected the balance of this loan would be repaid early next year. The report was unanimously adopted and ordered placed on file. This report will appear in the issue of December 1.
F. Dean Prescott read the report of the Committee on Resolutions, all of which were unanimously approved. These were as follorvs:
RESOLVED, that we, the members of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, do hereby express our sincere thanks and apWho Attended Convention ing Officials' Conference, announced that the new Uniform Building Code will be published in December, and told the convention how it will affect'the lumber dealer. He urged dealers to study the code and propose its adoption by their city councils. preciation of the very valuable assistance given to us in this convention by the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, through its Convention and Tourist League, and by its manager, Mr. Charles Cook, through which source was furnished the oftcial programs, the badges and the transportation for our lady delegates on a most delightful sightseeing trip. president """, "1,?lJJ#t-T:1Tif;e chair for the nnar session. A. J. McAdam, IJnion Lumber Co., San Bernardino, and Maurice C. Phillips, C. H. Chapman Lumber Co., Santa Ana, were appointed tellers.
Earl White, East Bay Lumber Co., read the Treasurer's report for J. H. Neighbor, Treasurer. This was unanimously adopted. The report showed that there was a cash balance on hand October 31, l9n, of 9502.95, and 91581.01 il .?yi"Sl account. The gross receipts for the year we,re $10,123.46 and the total disburs€ments W,6n.il,
Second, RESOLVED, that we express our appreciation to Lieutenant Governor Buron Fitts for his dpening address of welcomg and particuIarly for his stressing in this address a strong sentiment of Jpproval for the need of co-opcration in all lines of business.
Third, RESOLVED, that we express our thanks and appreciation to the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau for the installation of a most practical, interesting and elaborate exhibit.
Fourth, RESOLVED, that we express our thanks and appreciation to the Timberman, and George M. Cornwalt its editor; and to the California Lumber Merchant, its editor, Jack Dionne, and Ed Martin, (Continued on Page 24)