3 minute read
'I{now tha Lumbet You Buy!
.,. Today thousands of American home ownerg are justly proud of the lengthening service of their Long-Bell oak floors... tribute undeniable to maximum s6rviceability and economy built into lhat oak flootirCduring the process of menufactura t r r rlft6ls than fr fty years'lumber experience goes into the making ofall oftheee Long-Bell lumber products: Douglas Fir Lumber and Timbers, Dougtas FirWindow Frames
Vl/estem Hemlock Lumber
Southem Pine Lumber and Timbers... Southem Hardwood Lumber and Timbers, Oak Ftooring . . Califomia White Pine Lumber, Sash and Doors, Box Shooks . . . Creosoted Lumber, Timbers, Posts, Poles, Ties, Guard-Rsil Postq Piling.
E Sows and reaps and builds with increasing efficiency, the better to provide a nation and the world with food the ztnterrcan farmer! t t tls11g ago he leamed,the futility of temporary construction, so that today when he builds to housevaluable livestock and machinery, ortostore grains for future sale, he chooses carefully the materials and the workmanship which. go into the building of that shelter. t t tfidevoteeof wood'he is-not only because it yields so easily and so economically tohis will, but because'of its serviceabilityl
' r 'Those careful farmer-buyers have longhad intimate association with this trade-mark, its meaningof maxinum constr.tction value having been demonstrated repeatedly to them under exacting conditions for many years. , ' ,fs all lumber users . . whether individuals, or purchasers for great industrial projects . . . you can say this trade-mark is assurance that skilled men have done all that long experience and human ingenutty can do to give utmost value fo the uset of lumber products.*

Redwood Advertising Creates Redwood Business
The California Redwood Association is proving to the complete satisfaction ofits members and Directors that it DOES pay to advertise.
For example-last year the Association sent out a questionnaire to the entire list of people who replied to their advertising-their consumer advertising. This questionnaire, with stamped card for replying, was very freely answered by the list of people who had previously asked for information of some sort about Redwood, and the replies indicated that five per cent of all those who answered the advertisements actually bought Redwood as a result of the advertising, their answers, and the information received. For their first year's effort the Redwood directors rightfully considered this a very good return.
Miss Alma Michelini A Winner In Audition Contest
Miss Alma Michelini. rvho is connected rvith the Paramino Lumber Co., San Francisco, and whose mezzo soprano voice is heard quite frequently over the radio, was one ofthe tr.vo ladies selected as winners of the audition tests held in San Francisco during the latter part of October. These tests are carried out under the auspices of the Atwater Kent Foundation. The Pacific Coast contests will be held in San Francisco during November and the National contest in New York at a later date.
This year the same plan is being followed. The Association has been receiving an average of trvo thousand replies per month from prospective consumers, to their consumer advertising. These inquiries are being taken care of, and sixty days later the inquirer receives a questionnaire as before, asking if they have bought Redrvood. This yCAT
Half a million copies of "The Story of Wood" are being run offthe press to meet the demands of the thousands of requests received every day for this attractive booklet.
which is a truly wonderful return on their publicity.
Fifteen per cent reply that they received assistance in their Redwood quest from their local lumber dealer. There were many other interesting returns from the questionnaire. For instance, of those who said they bought Redwood, 31 per cent bought siding, and 27 per cent bought exterior trim.

Redwood consumption in eastern territory this year has been far in excess of that of any previous year.
And the Redwood people will undoubtedly be wise enough to realize what others before them have learned to their bitter cost, that advertising tothe consumer must be a continuous thing and not spasmodic, and that continuity is the greater feature of advertising.
Cypress, after a lapse of several years during which its market disintegrated, are starting again to advertise.
Telling in picturesque language the part that rvood has played in the progress of civilization the booklet also convincingly refutes the prevalent notion that the forests of the United States are about exhausted and that there is a danger of a timber famine in the not distant future.
The 24 pages, reproduced by the famous neo-gravue process in dark brown and green are artistically decorated, the illustrations being by one ofthe leading commercial artists of New York.
The outside cover of simulated birch bark and the inside covers which give solid "closeups" of southern pine and west coast forests have received much favorable comment.
Inspirational in character, "The Story of Wood"-owing to the fact that the text contains no reference to the slogan contest, the contest information pages and entry blank being "tipped in"-will doubtless be used indefinitely and it is probable that an additional run will have to be made.