5 minute read
The water soakirg test proves why Laminex doors st ay sold
Home &autiful Show
Olympic Auditorium
Id Algelg, qL Ud.r ta.b b Od.ta lt l, t&Lin lltl troveoDer znilr 1996.
It. Robcrt S. ostooit, Tho Uborlor, o€good Conpany. Los Angples, Calr,fornla.
D€ar !(t. osSooil: tbo sooonil lnsDactloa shoicat the aloor to bs 1! oxcsllont condltlon, thcrc belng no lnilloatlon of rarplDg or twlotlng ln tbc Btr,lcE and !a118, separatlo! of Jolnts. bltstorlng o! panel8 or 8ro111ng. Broopt tor s s}lgbt ralshg of tho grain tbc door rae apparently t! tb. 3e!. conillllor as 0heD lt wae plaocd 1u tb€ wat€r.
You! tlaDlnex Soaklng lestn ln our n8ono Beeu- tlful Show', was ons of tbe noEt-ilrastto anil unlausl tolta to whlch I h8v€ evsr ssan a plooo of Dlllrork anbJectsil.
To ny. otnl knowloalgc tbo iloor ras coDplotely SubDcrgsil i.n rater fot 233 hours - fro6 four Orolock ln the aft€rnoon of october 23rd. to DIne orplock la tbe oornlrlg. Xov.Dber znil.
Soforo tbe te6t Btartsd I lnspectoo tbc iloor oatcfally, togother rltb ltr. Polloct, Vlos-pr€alitant of tbo olynplc .luaUtorlu, anil fouil tbBt yo[ hail us6al no pallt or llllcr of eny klnd to proteot the iloor lron tho aotlon of the rstsr. At tbat tlno we both autograpbsd tbe aloo! altest'1n8 to Lts unflnlshed state.
Consequently at ths concLuslon of the tsgt I Eas Utengsly lnteresteil ln ataln ln6p6otla6 ths aloor. to E€o ehat offect tblE constsnt goallDg haa haA oa yor Lu1!8x oaa pansl aloo!.
I rant to tskc thlt opportunlty to thank you for taklng pEt Jn ou ahos, as well as to oonpllEeat you oD the splelalld prrtorEanoa of your lBnlDex Aoor.
UNDREDs of public l,aminex door soaking tests have beetr made in all parts of the iountry to prrove that dampiress cannot make a'Laminex door shrink, swell or warp. The voluntanr testimony above is but 6ne of hundreds ih"t *" h".rl toceived. By such demonstrations, thousands and thousands of people have been thoroughly convinced thlt l-aminex doors yn1J'*f operate properly and look well, desPfte drmauc condrflons.
Naturdly, people who have wimessed a Ieminex door soaking test are good prospects for the sale of La--minex do-ors. Iteail dealers tell us that their sales of Laminex doors are qreatly increased after such demonsrati-ons and because Laminex doors are trouble-proof, they stay sold. Therefore, it is nbt surprising that Laminex doors are profiiable itlms to handle, backed.as thiy are by an adverloh.g. *p.q.of nation-wide scope; py mteltlgent retarl sales counsel; and by effectiie reail advenising helps.
Progressive jobbers carty latge stocks of Laminex do.ors in popular..designr - 1t attractrve pflces trom a retarl proht standpoint. Miil the c uDon for literaturc lnd irutnrctions forconductinga businessbuilding Laminex door soakirig test.
LAMINEX PLYWOOD; built like and used in Laminex doors; beautiful, wide, thin, strong boardsl many uses, Write for literaturc and samples.
Ctcntlemen : Please send illustrated literature and comolete in- : stti.tions for conducting 6 l-amingr door soaking testl ..,. i ?{A
(Continued from Page 20) for their valuable publicity given to our convention, and the personal interest takeh to rnake our convention a success; and flrther, to expness our appreciation to the local press of Los Angeles for the many courtesies they have given us, throughout this convention.

Fifth, RESOLVED, that we express our most sincere appreciation for the most valuable personal assistance given us by Mr. Floyd Dernier and Miss Dernier of the Lumbermen's Service Association.
Sixth, RESOLVED, that we fully appreciate the excellent service rendered by the Hotel Alexandria, and for the courtesies shown our members by the entire staff of the hotel, all during this convention.
Seventh, RESOLVED, that the members of this Association do by rising vote here and now, express a most sincere appreciation of the untiring efforts and unselfish service freely given to this Association for the past year by our genial friend and President, Mr. Paul Hallingby.
Eighth,RESOLVED, that we do sincerely thank Mr. Edgar W. Pack for the valuable and accurate market reports given relularly to our Association during the past year.
Ninth, RESOLVED, that whereas the Pacific Coast Builders Officials' Conference has adopted the final draft of a lfniform Building Code and which Code we believe is a fair, just and impartial guidb to all Pacific Coast cities and towns for uniform building ordinances, therefore, we recommend that our members urge the serious consideration of this Code in the adoption of Building Codes in the various cities and towns in the State of California.
Tenth, RESOLVED, that whereas the Building and Loan Associations in the State of California have sponsored an active campaign of education, advocating the desirabitty of thrift and savings, which campaign has resulted in the accumulation of large sums of money which has been made available for home financing, thus increasing the home building in the State of California, therefore we, the members of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, in convention assembled, do recommend that the lumber dealers of this State co-operate in every \pay possible with local building and loan associations.
Eleventh,RESOLVED ,that the placing of cars of lumber and cargoes in transit unsold, demoralizes the market for the manrt'acturer, the wholesaler, the jobber and the retailer, and results in the shipping of much hmrber, which is inferior in manr.facture, and not stanrrlard in quality, nor in conformity with standard gading rules, and further leads to ttre gross abuse in tying up of transportation equipment resulting in higher operating co6ts, therefore the members of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association in this conve.ntion assembled, do hereby instruct the directors of this Association to uso every efrort in infuencing the railroads in establishing regulations which will eliminate this practrce and further, that request be sent to all branches of the lumber industry, to manufacturers, wholesalers and jobbers, and to retailers, requesting their cooperation to accomplish this end.
WHEREAS, there has been full and exhaustive discussions in va' rious lumber and building material conventions within recent years, regarding the policy of dealer distribution of lumber and buildin^g mateiials, we, thi members of the California Retail Lumbermen's As' sociation, do hereby declare that we favor the distribution of these materiali through rigular retail lumber merihants which is the logical, most satisfactory and most economical way of supplying the needs of the public for materials for building purposes, and we do hereby declare that we do subscribe without reservation to the dealer distribution policy, and further, that we urge all dealers in lumber and building materials, to co-operate with manufacturers in this policy.
RESOLVED, that this Association mourns the loss of those valued members who have passed to their reward during the past year, and hereby places on record the high regard in which they were held by our membership, and our appreciation of the services rendered by them to us during their lifetime, and that this resolution be adopted by standing vote.
RESOLVED, that the thanks of the convention be extended to (Continued on Page 28)
who wins the Bis Game on the lgth
We know but hate to come right out and tell you, for this football business gets to be pretty personal around this time of year. Anyway it's dl a matter of sentimental preference. But did you ever think of the other Big Games going on aII around you? Conficts that donot start with a whistle and which run on until one side or theother has to quit from exhaustion. pss inslan6s-

Redwood vs. Decay-f1as been going on for ages. Redwood has scored so often that Decay is groggy. ft wontt be long now.
Redwood vs. Veathsl-V/s31her's triple threat backfield of heat, cold and rain can't make a dent on Redwood. Chalk up another victory.
Redwood vs. 'White Ant.-The ant had beaten all comers and was cock of the walk until it scheduled a game with Redwood. It is licked now. Redwood is taking it to the cleaners for fair.
These are only a few: Redwood is undefeated and has barred no opposition. It will retire eventually undefeated, but not for many years, for unlike other champions, fT LASTS.