4 minute read
Thc Story of Rcdwood Goes Ovcr!
In 29 magazines, with a totaL circulation of over 2,707,ooO tfie story of Redwood is reaching the public. Inquiries at the raie of 2,000 a monthare Proofof awakene-d interest. Literally scofes of Redwood dealers are writing us saying that the prosPects we refer to them, arc acnttlly buying-increasing their business'-turning their stock at a profrt.
Of course the story is going over. \flhat other wood is so durable, safe, beautiful? \[hat other tree suPplies Perfect lumber 6o inches wide? \(here can you find a wood that works more easily, is as strong for itsweight, needs no treatment, takes paint or stain better? Yet with all these features Redwood is not expensive.
Stockfudwood, We send you live ProsPects, and supply home, cottage, and cabin plans, a completeagricultural service, z-cilorletter inserts, job andyard signs ,andother material on Redwood and its uses.
Send for your copy of the Redwood Sales Manual. It is full of interesting facts about scores of native 'woods.
Y6u need it for reference.
California Redwood Association, 24 California Street, San FranciscorDept, ?'6017
Please send me complimentary copy ofyout "Rrowooo Sar.rs MANUAI-," the authoritative text on neady all native woods.
(Continued f.rom Page 24) all.the:peakers who participated in the fine program which we have enJoyec at trus conventron. of the Lo.s- Angeles Chamber of Commerce transportation was provided to take all ladies who wished to aftend the Chinese Theater in Hollywood, from the Alexandria Hotel to the theater, and back to the hotel after the performance.
The Secretary announced that the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau have made a present of their splen- did exhibit appearing in the lobby of the hotel to the issociation. This can be shipped to local associations for display at their meetings when requested.
A. C. Baker, manager Northwestern Mutual Fire Association, dealt with the instrrance affiliation which has been formed by the association with his company, and explained the qualifications of the field men, Paul Overend and Guy L. Dartnell. Mr. Baker said the average yard placing its insurance with his company should save enough in premium to pay its annual dues to the association, giving one example where saving was $45 and dues only $25. He asked thal a committee be appointed by the association to work rvith them.
Pa.ul Overend, field man for the northern district, asked members for their co-operation in the work he is doing, particularly in the matter of obtaining new members for the association.
Frank Wright, Brey-Wright Lumber Co., Porterville, brought up the question as to whether the association contemplated issuing a plan book. After some discussion it was resolved that a committee of three be appointed to study what other associations have done in the matter of plan service, and make their recommendations to the board of directors for action.
The last subject for discussion tvas "Composition Roofing.f' This produced a lively and lengthy dis-ussion, rvhich was participated in by most of the members present. The discussion was closed by the passing of a mbtion asking that the roofing committee continue itswork and furthei consider the question and report progress to the directors as made.
On Friday the Los Angeles Chamber of Cornmerce furnished transportation for all ladies attending the convention, fo_r a sightseeing trip through Glendale, plsadena, Hol_ lywood, Beverly Hills, the beaches and the nerv Eeach Clubs. The ladies n'ere then entertained bv the association to luncheon, followed by an afternoon of bridge.
Secretaries of Local Lumber Clubs were en-tertained at
Who made arrangements for e.rhibits luncheon by the association Friday noon. urged dealers to stock a good grade of wood shingle ind push only 5-Z Per- with wood shingles was also discussed, one member saying that it would make a big difference in the volume of ialei if the shingle manufacturers would back up the dealers rvith a finance plan for time payments on reroofing jobs.
Following the adjournment of ihe convention the new Board of Directors held their organization meeting when the following officers were elected to serve in the iominpr the the ioming rne rollowlng omcers electecl rn the comrng year: President, Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Co.
Wooden shingles also came in for a lot of discussion, and the majority of the members who spoke on the subject push them. One dealer said his company sold only erfects, which were 100 per cent cleai and 10O per cent edge gr-ain, and they are able to get their price witliout difficuliy when'they explain the suDerioritv of the article- Reroofing when they superiority article.
Albert R. Israel, West Coast Lumber Trade'Extension Bureau, said that he understood the Red Cedar shingle manufacturers were considering a plan to help dealers finance reroofing, and suggested that the association inform the Shingle Bureau of the concensus of opinion on the sub- ject at this convention.
A much appreciated feature of the convention was the entertainment provided for the ladies. Through the courtesy
Lumber Co., Turlock; Vice-President,
Iros Angeles; Vice-Presideni, - Northern District, R. F. Wells. Turlock Co-- -frrrlock: Vice-Presidcnf Wells,
Southern District, Verne Whitson, Whitson Lumber Co., Fanta Ana; Treasurer, J. E. Neighbor, Neighbor's Lumber Y114, Oakland, and Secretary, I: E. Fraser, San Francisco.
Nine new directors were elected to serve on the Board of Directors for the three-year period. The full board is made up of. 27 directors. The nerv directors are: Central District, C. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton; Glendale District, W. R. Vanderwood, Fox-Woodsum Lumber Co., Gl_endale; Los Angeles District, Paul Hallingby, HamTol_q L_umber Co., Lo9 Angeles; Orange County District, C. W. -Pinkerton, Whittier I-umber Co., Wtrittiir; Sacrapenlo Valley District,_J. H. Shepard, Friend & Teriy Lumber Co., Sacramento; San Diego District, O. W. Himilton, San D-i9go, Lggbe.r C_o_., Sap Diego; San Francisco Bay Dis- trict, M. A. Harris, Van-Arsdale Harris Lumber Co-.. San (Continued on Page 32)