1 minute read
Philippine Mq,hogqny Flooring
We are equipped to furnish Philippine Mahogany Flooring in both Select and Clsar Grades. 13/16x1yr" and l3/16x2%" and 8 to 2A ft. in length.
The retail dealer will 6ndthatPhilippine Flooring will appeal to ths home builder. It is carefully manufactured and graded, is durable and takes an excellent finish.
We Invite Your Inspection of This Stock. EVERYTHING IN
Mn. Rsrarr. Luuasn Dr,trnn:
This full paSe advertisenent appeats in Housc aod Gardeo md House Beutifirl during November 1927. It is helping to sell lubet by selliog the homebuilding ida. T[hy not wite for complete infotmation about tieing up your business with ou natioa-wide advettisiog and 6eld promotioo campaigo?Wrsr Coesr LUMBBR Burr,tu MouNr Hooo BuTLDTNG LoNGvtBv, \vlsnrxctox
Dtrtct otuct: &ttle, Washin$on end Potdand, Oregon