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This home of wood won firstpfize in architectural competition
'T|HE home design shown above won I the $zooo.00-first prize for Otho McCrackin of Hutchinson, Kansas, in the recent nation wide coinpetition under the auspices of the \Tashiigton Chapter of thiAmerican Instirute oT Architeits and the West Coast Lumber Bureau.
More than two hundred architects from the United States, Canade, England and France entered this competition-Drovinq that our object, the stirirulation o:fb.tti home architecnrre, is of qreat intetest to architects. The competirio*n has inaddition demonstrated the value that architects attach to wood and panicularly to Douglas Fir, West Coast Hemlock, Sitka Spruce and !flestem Red Cedar in home buifding.
These outstanding West Coast woods are ideal material for building any class of home Doaglat Fit for insance, is the most widely useful wood jn existencestrong, stiff, durableand beautifu Ilygrained -for framing, ruh, doors, floors, panels, siding, gutters, exterior and interioi trim; Vctt Coatt Hcnlo&-clan, bright, nonresinous, free from shake and brash:a favorite for interior trim and flooring; Sitka Spncc-clear, smooth, uniform In texture and non-warping-much used for drainboards, refrigeritoF, interior trim to be enameled, and kitchen frtmelns;Vaant Red Czdar-soft and aromatic-one of the most durable of all woods for exterior uses
Vc will bc ghd to send you copicr of thc scbirm's slctcha rnd consru(ion suggcationt for rhirmdclcro othcrprizc winning hom6, toSerhd with four rcody publishcd bookr dsribing thc vduc ud usoftbcfou outssndin8 lf6r Cost *odr. Jut rddrcr'wct Coesr Lumbct Dut6r. t62 Sm Bail&og. Saale.lTrhrngoa-
(Continued from Page 28)
Francisco; San Joaquin Valley District, F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno, and Santa Barbara District, F. E. Boyd, Boyd T umber &Mill Co., Santa Barbara.
The Exhibits
The many exhibits at the convention attracted a great many of the lumbermen during the three-day session. The following concerns had exhibits: Lumbermen's Service Association; [fammond Lumber Co.; Schumacher Wall Board Corp.; Weaver-Ilenry Mfg. Co.; The Pacific Door and Sash Co.; Pioneer Paper Co.; E. J. Stanton & Son; H. V. Cowan, Inc.; J. W. Koehl & Son; Hipolito Company; Frank Graves, Sash Door & Mill Co.; American Manufacturing Company; Cadwallader-Gibson Co.; Fletcher & Frambes;.Chase Brass & Copper Co.; Celotex Co.; In-A-Wall Safe Co., Inc.; Bates Valve Bag Co.; Northwestern Mutual Fire Insurance Co.; California Redu'ood Association; Angelus Architectural Service Co.; West Coast Lumber Bureau. and "The California Lumber Merchant."
The special contest, "Know Your Wood," which was conducted by the Hammond Lumber Co., was won by Jim Chase, Little River Redwood Co., Madera. He was awarded the first prize, a bowl and candle sticks, for naming correctly sixteen out of the twenty specimens of woods they had on display. The second prize, a smoking stand, was won by L. A. Nelson, Portland, Ore. The third prize, a set of bud vases, was won by C. Stowell Smith, San Francisco. The prizes were all made of figured gum and were manufactured at the Hammond Lunrber Co. plant at Los Angeles.
Thursday Noon-The Hoo-Hoo Luncheon
About 135, including many of the visiting lumbermen, attended the luncheon of the Los Angeles lfoo-Hoo Club No. 2, which was held in the Ball Rooin of the Alexandria Hotel. President B. W. Byrne presided over the meeting. During the luncheon hour, Glenn Hood, master of ceremonies at the Yosemite National Park, and Joe Chapelle, an Orpheum vaudeville headliner, gave several enjoyable vocal and musical selections. Glenn Hood led the club singing and several selections were sung from the song books furnished by the California Retail Lumbermen's Association.
Following the luncheon there was a short business session when the club held its annual election of officers. The following were etected to serve for the ensuing year: President, J. E. Martin, "The California Lumber Merchant;" vice-president, J. Max Landram, Coos Bay Lumber Co., and secretary-treasurer, Mel Coe, C. D. Johnson Lumber Co. B. W. Byrne, W-estern Hardwood Lumber Co,; Lloyd