1 minute read
Cole, Hammond Lumber Co"; Russell Edmonston. E. K. Wood Lumber Co.; I{arry V. Hanson, California Panel & Veneer Co.. and Don Philips, Hart-Wood Lurnber Co., ra'ere elected to serve as directors. Frank Harris, San. Francisco; Jim Chase, Madera; C. J. Hogue, Seattle, and Ffawk Huey, Phoenix, Ariz., were called on for short talks.
James M. Brown, Spokane, Wash., was endorsed for Snark of the IJniverse, and Fred Roth, San Francisco, was endorsed for membership on the Supreme Nine. Tl-re secretary was instructed to advise Secretary-Treasurer Henry R. Isherwood at Miami, Fta., by telegram, where the Hoo-Hoo annual convention was in session.
Mcrchantr E;:lTff Building
Pacific Mutual Building V^A,ndikc 8792 - TUcLcr 7691
\f,fhcn in Humboldt Courtn Mrit Our Mill Sccond end M Strcctr, EureLa
Memberc California Redwood Ascocicfdon
_4. tltg_no<t^regular.meeting date falls on Thanksgiving Day, the club will hold its next luncheon on Thursday, Decem6er 8.
Friday Evening
The annual banquet and dance was held in the Ball Room of the Alexandria Hotel. Nearly 350 attended the dinner and dance. Dur- ing the dinner hour, Dee Edsley, the well known Ontario retailer, led the gathering in community singing and several orchestra selections were rendercd bf' the Alexandria Hotel Orchestra.
_ Paul Hallingby, president of the association, introduced Jack Dionne, publisher of "The California Lumber Merchant." who acted (Continued on Page 37)
150,000 ft. 1// No. 1 Con. & Btr. Kiln Dried Birch.
100,000 ft. lx5 & \l'dr. 8/ & Lcr. No. 2 Com. Kiln Dried Birch.
25,000 ft. 1rl No. 1 and Better Basswood.
100,000 ft. No. 3 and Better White Pine.
75,000 ft- 13/16x2futr MFMA Third Grade Maple
100,000 ft. 13/l6x2tltr MFMA First Grade Birch Flooring.
75,000 ft. 13/16x21/ar, IIFIIA Second Grade Birch
'40,000 ft. 13/16x2l/atr tr{FI{A Third Grade Birch
30,000 ft. 13/16x2lar MFXIA First Grade Birch
Floorirg 2-51r.
35,000 ft. l3/L6x2Y+tr i!IFMA Second Grade Birch
Flooring ltl-Sftr.
Western Representative JEROME C. GRIPPER 714 Wex 10th St. - Los Angeler