1 minute read
Can Figure the cost of Practically
Absolutely New! Nothing Else Like It
This book, r'Automatic Building Costs," males figuring a houee plan ae cimple ar A B C. It ic to the l'nber dealer in Gguring building costi what the world-famed "Lumberman,s Actuary" ic in figuring board feet ft startc out with a simple !'basic house" and then all other houses are figured in percentagel of this !'basic house." After you have read the cimple directionc in, the front part of thic book and established your rrkeytt coetc (the directiorrs tell you exacdy how to do this) you can 6gure any house at YOUR OWN PRICES IN YOUR OWN LOeALITY in2to5minutes.
This seems unbelievable, but it's tnre, abeolutely true-and to prove it, we make you this