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Central California Lumbermen's Club Hold Meeting at Calaveras
Saturilay, November 5th, the Central California Lumbermen's Club held their meeting at the plant of the Calaveras Cement Co. near San Andreas. The Calaveras Cement Company invited the club to be their guests on this day and made the dav a success in every way. The meeting was held in the Old Kentucky House which is the club house for the officers of the cement company.
Through the efforts of O. V. Wilson, president of the club, Mr. J. S. Haddon of Oakland gave a talk on cost accounting which was followed by general discussion of the subject by club members.
Lumber Co., who is a past master in the art of program arrangements. William McNider, sales manager of the Calaveras Cement Co., made a short talk that rvas greatly ap- preciated by the visiting lumbermen.
Following is a list of those present:
\,V. H. Falconbury, Falconbury Lumber Co., Stockton, spoke very fittinglv regarding thelate Robt. Inelis, formerly nanager of the San Joaquin Lumber Co., whose death occurred during October.
George Ground, Modesto Lumber Co., Bruce DuVall, Ripon Lumber Co. and Jim Gartin, Stanislaus Lumber Co., were appointed a committee to arrange for a ladies day meeting to be held in Modesto, December 10th.
During the afternoon a trip was made through the cement plant under the guidance of Mr. P. S. Taylor of the company.
The company set lunch for the club at noon and at 6:30 P. M. a wonderful banquet was served. Copies of old familiar songs had been prepared by C. G. Bird, Stockton
W. F. O'Keeffe, Roberts & O'Keeffe. Stockton: Rod Hendrick. son, Oakland; A. F. Emerson, Stockton; Joe Cuneo, White Bros., San--Francisco; Bruce Duvall, Ripon Lbr. Co., Riponj H. M, Smith, Lodi; D. A. Williamson. Williamson Lbr. Cb.. Catt: F- G. Smith.
Jan rrancrsco; sruce ljuvall, Lbr. uo., Ktpon; .FI. Smlt t-od!; P.A. Williamson, Lbr. Cb., Gatt; F. G. Smit iii,i.'"r-u'.-li"itll't;::
A. Wtlltamson, Wrlliamson Galt; Smith, !.odi; R. C. Thompson, The Timberman, San Francisco; Geo. B. Eidenmiller. Waterfront S. & D. Co.. Oakland: O- D- Ruse- Tilden Eidenmiller, Co., Oakland; O. D. Ruse, Tilden Lb;. & Mitr C"., st..iion; J. G.
Stockton; G. A. Kramer, Redu'ood Mfg. Co., Pittsburg; C. A. Berry, Redvrood Mfg. Ber C, A. Berry & Son, Valley Sprinss; H. M. Gunton. Gritzmacher Berry, her & Springs; Gunton, Gunton. San Francisco: F. F. Fisher. Fisher Bros. Gunton, Francisco; Fisher, Bros., Stockton; G. E. Ground, Modesto Lbr. Co., Modesto; T. L. Gardner, California Millwork Institute, Stockton; C. G. Bird, Stockton Lbr. Co., Stockton; William McNider, Calaveras Cement Co., San Francisco; R. B. Bird, Chas. Nelson Co., San Francisco; J. U. Gartin, Stanislaus Lbr. Co., Modesto; W. M. Casey, Redwood Mfg. Co., Pittsburg; L. H. Elliott, Valley Lbr. Co., Lodi; R. L. Ustick, Stanislaus Lbr. Co., Modesto; J. J. Farley, The Pacific Lbr. Co., San Francisco; Dan Schroebet, San Joaquin Lbr. Co., Stockton; W. F. Neider, San Joaquin Lbr. Co., Stockton; H. P. Alderman, The Pacific Lbr. Co., San Fr,ancisco; A. R. Martin, Hales & Syrhons, Sonora; R. R. Hull, Stockton Lbr. Co., Stockton; C. U. Utterback, Stockton; A. H. Fisher, Fisher Bros., Stockton; O. J. Rust, California Cedar Prod. Co., Stockton; F.A. Witmer, Modesto Lbr. Co., Modesto; George Kewin, United Lbr. Yards, Modesto; W. H. Falconbury, Falconbury Lbr, Co., Stockton; O. V. Wilson, Central Lbr. Co., Stockton; W. H. Woods, "The California Lumber Merchant," San Francisco.