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The lumber industry during the week ended October 29 showed production 6O per cent, shipments 67 per cent, and new orders 68 per cent of the corresponding week of 1929, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from regional associations covering operations of important softwood and hardwood mills.

Duiing the week ended October 29,502 mills produced 205,263,W0 feet of softwoods and hardwoods combined; shipped n7,632,m feet; and booked orders of 208,482,W Ieet.

Lumber orders reported for the lveek by 423 softwood mills totaled 198,209-,000 feet; shipments were 199,618,000 feet; and production was 198,905,000 feet.

Reports from 95 hardrvood mills for the week gave new business as I0,273,W feet; shipments 8,014,000 feet; and production 6,358,000 feet.

A total of 151 down and, operating mills in Washington and Oregon which reported to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended October 22, produced 94,165,2n feet; shipments were LI0,M,4BZ feet; and new business was 92,437,848 feet. The unfilled order file stood at 243,559,I@ f.eet.

The same number of mills, reporting for the week ended October 29, produced 94,603,588 feet; shipped 9I,263,477 feet; and new business was 85,825,315 feet. Unfilled orders totaled 236,Q12,O48 feet.

Two of the largest Fir mills on Grays Harbor closed the early part of November on account of unfavorable market conditions There are now only two Fir mills operating on Grays Harbor.

The Western Pine Association for the week ended October D,ll4 mills reporting, gave new business as 63,185,000 feet; shipments 61,037,000 feet; and production 65,457,000 feet. Increase in orders, compared with the previous week, showed a gain of 8.3 per cent. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 136.737.000 feet.

The California Redwood Association for the week ended October D reported production of 13 mills as 6,521,W feet; shipnrents 6,113,000 feet; and nerv business 7,276,ON feet. Week-end orders on hand totaled 25.45O.0O0 feet.

The Southern Pine Association, 1i5 mills reporting for the 'rveek ended October D, gave nerv business as 36,032,000 feet; shipments 35,315,@0 feet; and production 28,786,M feet. Orders on hand at the end of the rveek totaled 58,402,000 feet.

Lumber cargo receipts at Los Angeles harbor for the week ended November 12 totaled 14,428,00O feet. Cargo arrivals the previous week were 12,184,000 feet.

Since the inception of the FHA insured mortgage plan nearly 50,000 applications for home building and home buying loans have been received by the Los Angeles ofEce. More than 41,000 loans, totaling $171,034,500 have been approved.

The week ended November 4, showed a daily average of 106 mortgages accepted for appraisal by the FHA Los Angeles office, of which 65 per cent covered new construction.

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