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In every tyPe of Building-fo, every requirement-Dealers are SEILING NID T(lP W()U PNOFITABTY

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O Now the smallest attic insulation job and the biggest house insulatioo job are botb stitbin your reach! AII over the country, retail lumber dealers are learning how to sell eoery insalation iob at a fair profit. Tbey're bandling Red Top* Vool. Eot USG has revolutionized insulation selling for lumber dealers. There is a Jorm, a 4E e, a size, a tbickness of Red Top I7'ool-at a price your crustomers are willing to pay. And tbere's a pmfit lor yoa in eoery sale.

Drastic price reductions are only part ofthe story. fn addition, a nation-wide 24 to 48-hour delivery service on small quantities (as little as l,OOO sq. ft. ) keeps your investment down and gives your insulation business its greatest opportunity.

Broaden your insulation market-sell one material for eoery purpose. Do it with Red Top Vool-now priced to sell on eoeryiobl

Ask your USG representative for details or write your nearestIJSGofr ce now. See how Red Top Vool will help make your insulation sales easier and more profitable!

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