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Correspondence That Shows Our Work Is Appreciated
Mr. Jack Dionne, october 3' 1923' Care of California Lumber Merchant, Los dngeles, California
My dear Mr. Dionne:
I received a letter from one of our putside fellows today, together with copy of your article "What Is Service" from July lst issue of the "California Lumber Merchant."
Bein'g a strong'believer in passing out ffowers while men are alive rather than after they are dead, I am sending copy ofthe letter to vou.
In some way t missed thq July lst copy of your paper, so | _had not seen the article on "Seryice." It really is, fine, and I think you are doing a wonderful work among the lumbermen. I hear the most favorable comments form all over ,the Coast, but if I heard nothing, tr would still know that 'you wer€ doing a splendid urork becausi one cannirt read -what you write_.without feeling-a desire to be a bigger and better man. With'best personal regaids. , Yours very sincerely, ii{ttn. B. J. wiliams; . "
'sept' D' 1923' san Diego'
I I doubi veii m'uch'dhafyou have time to review he little hragazitre that is making such a hit with the lurnberman!'Tf,e California Lumbei Merchant" published bv Tack Dionne. Tlris fellbw Dionrte must be the'livest tciria bf a live 'Fife and he hab thb abitttj; tb geu som'e very fundameiit-
Al Propositions Over To The Lumbermen
He has gotten them awake to a lot of things that had been overlooked out here up- to the time he started his magazine. He is the fellow who is oounding away on the retail lumberman to SELL PAINTI He ii trviris to make the lumberman see that he should be conduciin[ a highclass building-material department store rather than a w6od yard, and he iq tqaqhing him many things relative to the problems of business getting and business holding that the-lumberman has overlooke.d,, For, as you lrnow, the lumbermerchant has been given to sitting on his chair waiting for someone to bring in a bill of lum,ber to be figured, rathlr than going out after a prospect and getting him to decide to builai anA helping him d'o it I A,bout the only time that a lurnberdealer really tries to SELL anything is when he is "out" of thc thing or the size that the customer wintst
Jack Dionne.has.been having considerable to say on the subject of SERVICE. And his article in the July ist issud so nearly niitches whit I know to be Vouride:as on this most important subject that I am sendin! it to you to read.
The paragraph that I have markod certainly hits the nail right on the head and I know, you wlll like it.-
So 'many of us are spt to git off:the trackron th,is matter of service.
:Wi W,, Wheatly. " I Oot6ber 3, 1923.
(Continued on Page 46)
(Continued from Page 45)
Mr. W. W. Wheatly:
My dear Wheatly: I have read, with a gerat deal of interest both your good letter or Sept. 29th, and the article by Jack Dionne on "What Is S,ervice" you sent along with it.
I read the "California Lumber Merch,ant" more or less regularly because it contains so much good stuff' This fellow Dionne is sure a wonder, and next to my friend Bruce Barton, whose stuff I have no dou'bt you read, he has the greatest faculty of any man I know for weaving Scripture i-nto his articles and arguments, and making it count. In some wav I had missed this article on Service and am' certainly gtia that you brought it to m/ notice.
Bv ihe way, ho* are thing coming along rvith you, and what i's the outlook for the rest of the year. Also, how is Mrs. Wheatly?
Plan Survey of Southern Yellow Pine
NEW pRLEANS, Nov. n.-A second survey of the Standing,southern yellow pine timber in sixteen Southern states, or a, virtual're'check of the survey made by the Assopiation in 191,2r,. wis announced here by SecretaryManager. H. C. Berckes 'of the Southern Pine Association. This investigation of the standing Southern pine is to be started.irnm,ediately, it was stated, and will be made for the Association by Frank V. Dunham who'made the original survey'in :1919.
' The 1919:survey of Southern pine forests disclosed that there were then,'standing approximately 2@ billion feet
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