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Pip Tells Her Side of'It
That Mrs, Pip was in'the aiidiei'rce at the Southern California Retail LSlir.ber' dtalerst'Association Convention at Long Beach, on the 17th, is evidenced by the follovi'ing letter received twu days fotlowiiig the rneeting.
The Los Angtles Hoci-goo Club as their part of the program at the convention, gave a play called "Mr. Pip and Mr. Pep," talien after the twci characters made famous by the "Gulf Coast Lutnb'eilflarl." The- proper credit cannot be given for this 'diticle,' ii'rasmtrch as the l€tter was signed merely, "Mrs.' C. PlP."'
Here it is:
"Dear Mr. Diortne:
,Folks tell me that Pip ain't gettin' busiri€ss, they tell rne thet the younE feller acioss the street is gettirt' it all, that he sold [he ln,nb". fot the nerv school house 'cause Pip kicked so 'bciot theit buildin' lt.
He ought a'trc ashinied a hiniself Pip ought, not wantin' a school wheft he knows how bad we need it.
Didn't our little Jimrnie $et the croup and the measles and the whoogrin' cough all causd he had to gci tc, school in the lumber pile to the kitchen door and I'll give 'em all the ideas they want on buildin', I know just where the cup boards. ought to go to save steps a'nd I can build a pan closet that better than anything thats in town. f'm a goin to keep plans and wall paper and nails and interior decorations an everything, so tell 'em to come to me and I'll'sell Pip's lumber if he ain't got no sense. 'Yours that ole tent that leaked so the rain went down his neck?
If Pip had set up nights alortgside o'me, He'd want a school house all right.
As fer that young feller Pep, I LIKE HIM. H9 spoke so pleasant to me the other day that I went in and slicked back rny hair some afld Put on a cleanrapron and felt better all day.
If thems ,modern methods' I believe in 'ern and whats more if Pip won't use 'em I'm goin to.
You tell the'folks in your paper to come on around past