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More Hoo HooNews
Mr. Howard Thompson, manager of the Frost Hardwood Company, San Diegq entertained the. San Diego Hoo-Hoo Club, on November ?lst, at the new offices just' completed by his company.
Forty members of the club attended, this being twothirds of their entire membership of sixty.
The meeting was in the nature of a celebration of the opening of the beautiful new plant, recently finished, and the boys enjoyed a splendid feed. They indulged in sorr€; community singing, led by Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Moody, of San Diego. ,
Mr. Elwood Bailey, a noted globe-trotter and lecturer, entertained the meeting with a talk on "Confidence: and Cooperation in Business Matters."
These luncheons, uiuafiy held at the Maryland Hotel, are getting better and better, all visiting HoorHoo are invited to attend.
Mr. C. J. Laughlin, manager of the Long Bell Lumbeq Company, Los Angeles, was a guest of the club on thid dav.
A very interesting Concatenation marked the evening-of Nov. lSih, at Westwood, when under the direction of Sui preme Chaplain, Peter A. Simpkin, a. successful -initiatiorl. was enjoyeh by thirty-five kittens, thirty from, Westwood and fivi irom Susanville. Four old cats gathered also a.i the meeting, to again have their whiskers trimmed and' sit on the fence.
C. E. Priest, l4DI, an old Hoo-Hoo of the early years of' this century was Snark and was assisted by the following team:
Senior Hoo''Hoo--R. P. Clark.
Junior Ho$Hoo--P. A. SimPkin.
Boium-E. G. Scammon.
Tabberwock-H. E. GouPh.
Scrivenotor-J. T. Shaw.
Custocation:J. Rookaied. Gurdon-F. L. Walker.
Four of the Westwood kittens were "eye-opened" ahea([ of ti'm,e to fill in the stations, qnd a very. excellent pidco d,1r work was done by the team,on tlre !$ youngsters' it'
Mr. Priest was elected to sCrve as Vicegerant for thi fiscal year, and they also decided to'inmediately brganiz{ a Hoo-Hoo Club.