2 minute read
Strable Hardwood Go.
of yellow pine in the sixteen Southern states' This study made by the Southern Pine Association was the first occasion in the history of the lumber industry in America that such a survey of standing timber of any species ever was made. Previously there had been much theory, speculation and prediction regarding the available supply of Southern pine, but when the comprehensive and detailed study was completed the 'm,anufacturers possessed in'formati'on as accurate as it was humanly possible to collect, as to how much Southern yellow p'ine was standing in the forests.
New light has been thrown on the survey since it was made public. For instance, a number of mills that reported they would be cut out within two years still are operating. A large number of small mills that expected in 1919 to cut out within a short ti,rne changed their locations and, still are manufacturing Southern pine. Also in some aieas the young timber has grown more rapidly than has been .estimated. Since 1918 approximately 55 billion feet of Southern pine has been cut and the amount of tim'ber standing indicates the available supply of this wood will continue for a long period, notwithstanding frequent alarming predictions that the supply soon will be exhausted.
Directors of the Association, at their recent meeting, decided that this survey was of such im'portance to the industry that it should be kept up to date and authorized Secretary-Manager Bercked to proceed with the re-check of the 1919 data. Several months will be required tq complete the survey and Mr. Dunham will visit all the Southern states from Virginia to Texas, inclusive, in his survey.
Facts On Oak Flooring
, The highest quahty Oah FIodnS tiill meet lhese fwe tequirements l. Ar lumbcr. it will be cut to tt proper thlckncrr vhllc lr+i ttug ellninatlng cupping ud buckllng. l. Perfet ride ud cnd metchins.
2. Thorourhly air dricd beforc kiln dried.
!. Madc on dhc latct typc dlrc-head mtchcf to D'tlt' duce th. higheat poalble finlrh ttrus eliminatln3 dl Lnife muka ud rcducing randing and scnplnS to tbc nllimu.
5. Thoroughly tcstcd ud chcked fc rupcrlci9 baforc ehipped.
Superior Oak Flooring, "America's Finest," meets thesc fivi requirements. Wiite for a free sample and convince yourself.
Modern Methods Of Merchandisin$ Building Materials Is Today Receiving Serious Consideration

Hcre is a typical office acenc: ':
GEORGE-"Now that we have adopted this up-to'date hand-colored photographic plan rcrvicc, it ia up to ur tp sce that it ie properly applied.
"Better arrangc with a couple of the boys to partition ofi: a good aized sprce at thc rear of thc cificc, have them cover the wallr with qall bopr.d' . : : .i-d p.p", or tint it in light tones; would be a good idea to covcr tho floqr i with a wariety, of fooringa and arrange to display doors, screcng breakfaat.nooks, ironing boarde, medicinc cabinets, mouldings, trim, etc., we can ure thc large table here in my office and by eecuring q few cxtra dhairs : : , :, we wiltr be 6xed and ready to gtart an active advertiaing canippign, Ietting fig i i i public know we have equipped our buginess and afe ready to adviee iwith them on all departments of homc building."
PARTNER-"T'h.-1" my sentimcnte. I'm glad yoo'o"'6t taou agr{ei i with me and you jurt watch the transformation that is gOing to take place around here. This ig a move we should have made months ago, every dealcr I know of who has entered into thie new method of ,merchandiping buildipg .,i., .,., materiale tclls me they would not go back to the old ivay and that'the €*& i ' t ':. profitable bueiness a plan service 'attracts, morc than juetifiee the ailded expense. There ian't any queetion but that the LUMBERMENS SERVICE ASSOCIATION is doing a wonderful work for the llmber Dealers of CaliforniaandIknowwearegoingtothoroughlyapPreciatetheircforts;.''.',.,.,i.