1 minute read
The Flood Gates of Prosperity
Bg Jacft Dionne
It is simply a natural law that if you sl:all dam a running stream for a cdtain length of time, and then release the water by opening the food gatcs, that thcre sbdl be a rush of the imprisoned element toward libet$r proportioned exactly to t'lrc amount suppressed.
- The year 1924 was one which-by reason of a series of unforscen and unfortrmatc developments-dammed ternporarily the natural stream of prosperity that runs fron dl the remainder of the world toward the Golden State of California First the drouth of last winter, and then the hoof and mouth epidemic, tte forest fire epidemic, and the still greater epidemic of magnified newspaper reports of the California situation, gave Cdifornia a t'slow year."
And just as in the case of the dammed stream, the tertnination of thesc misfortunes opens the food gates, and 1925 should and will see a rush of peoplc, of industry, of 6nance, and of human interest, in the direction of sunny Cdifornia, that will make any previous year of the State's history, look fat by comparison-
There is no doubt about it. Tens and twenties of thousande of people were' kept away from California last year. They will come in multiplied nunbers this year, to make up for it. The only basis on which you can doubt it is to doubt the genuineness of the prestige of California in the past-to assume that the boom of the last few years was an artificial one. And no sound-minded, well informed person, can jump to any such conclusion.
The popularity of California is built on the fact that it is to tte present world what the Garden of Eden was to the origind world, and just so long as tbe roads are gpen, the railroads and steamers are running, and there is room to enter, or land, tte tide of humanity that loves the beautiful, the delightful things that please tte eye, warm thc soul" and satisfy the body and the mind-will keep on coming to Cdifornia. Each ooc brings another, and from every hundred who come, there is a large perccotage who remain
"California Here I Come" is ringing across the land this winter from tte Grdf to Montreal 1925 will be a year of great growth, and great prosperity in Cdifornia