1 minute read
Schumacher Wall Board Corporation Files Infringement Suit
A suit has been filed in the U. S. District Court. at Los Angeles, by the Schumacher Development Corporation, the Schumacher Wall Board Corporation, John S. and Joseph E. Schumacher, against the Buttress Manufacturing 9ompany, of Los Angeles, claiming an infringement Qy thq Buttress Company, on the patent rights treta Uy the Schumachers.
The case will no doubt be watched with keen interest, not only in California, but throughout the country, this being the second such action brought by the Schumacher Company. A few months ago the -U. S. District Court of Appeals handed down a final decision in a similar suit against another Los Angeles manufacturer, deciding in favor of Schumacher Company. This case was a i-orrg fiought affair, causing the eipenditure of thousands of dol-lars, and using the services of dozens of attorneys.
The Schumacher Wall Board Corporation, (formerly Schumacher Wall Board Company), ha! been manufactuiing their composition board at Los Angeles for about fifteen_ years. The organization, started by John S. Schumacher Sr., has grown in that time to a tremendous institution, shipping its product all over the Pacific Coast, and into many Eastern states.
The Buttress Manufacturing is a younger concern, starting in business in Los Angeles about 1920.
Position as Retail #filI?ro or Retail Lumber or Building Material Salesman, eicellent record asbusiness getter for past several years in California. A-l references, married, hold position now but desire to change.
Address Box U-1, care California Lumber Merchant.