1 minute read
Mr. Pep Says
SHOW 'EM ! Then it'll be easier to sell 'em. ,k**
An attractive PICTURE has got a pile of lumber and shingles skinned to death when it comes to convincing a.man that he needs BUILDING SERVICE. ***
'The old girl painted over may not make much of a hit, but the old home painted over rvill attract favorable attention and mention every time.
If your customer foit, to ".lept your building advice it is a pretty good sign that he isn't sold on its quality. The first thing a good lumber salesman has got to sell is HIMSELF, because if they don't respect HINI they probably won't respect his goods. ***
A live lumber merchant delights in COMpETITION. It keeps him awake and on his mettle.
And don't forget this, son: COURTESY in business is one investment that returns 100 per cent profit to both buyer and seller. ***
Half-hearted effort generally terminates in rvhole- hearted failure. Halfrvay methods belong in the scrap heap.
Never talk hard times to *"o1, ",r.ao-"r. If he is an optimist, agree rvith him. If he is a pessimist, share with. him that fund of optimism that you MUST possess if you are to rvin success.
And rvhen you kneel O;" a .")- your prayers at night, add these words'-"And Oh, Lord ! Help me also with my ADVERTISING, which, as thou knowest, Lord,hasn't the punch that it ought to have."
Any man, rvho has *rl.,nt"* useful that he wants to sell the public, CAN AF'FORD TO ADVERTISE.
The t*'o cheapest ."*rl"ol,.l on the market today arl LUMBER AND ADVERTISING. All right, put the two together, and let's use 'ern. t *:|:f
No business is so large that it cannot be over-advertised, and none is so small that it cannot be under-advertised.
Well ! Well ! Th" ,.:"; rJ, "at".uring and talking "implement sheds" is just barely over, and here rve are talking and preaching "Sleeping porches." Verily I say unto you that the life of the local building authority and specialist is one filled rvith many-colored opportunities.