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Minutes of The Central California LJI I rr ri'r lir-*r*- ^-t^ f.l-- l- umbermen's Club
Nov. t, t924
The regular meeting of the Central California Lumber- J. J. Farley, The Pacific Lbr. Co., S. F. *.F't Club was held at the Lincoln Hotel, Stockton, on L. H. Elliott, Valley Lumber Co. of Lodi. Nov. lst. Luncheon was served at 12:30, with the follo,'- There were also p-resent ing members present, 'a!uv' wrL' r's rurruw-
R. P. Fuller, Home Lbr. Co., Manteca.
..M19rJ,J.f,arle-1,^stockton; Miss-R"tlrE. Felt, stockton; Mr. W. H. Woods, Coos Bay Lumber Co., San Francisco;
Mr. A. A. Kelly, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco.
W. M. Casey, Redwood I![frs. Co., Pittsburgh. fn the absence of Prelident S. Jr Iq*iq the meeting ras
J. M. Montgomery, Silver-Falls Timber, Stockton. called to order by Vice-President R. P. Fuller.
H. S. Fuller, Fuller Lumber C9., Lodi. The annual election of officers being in ordbr at the
O. D. Ruse, Tilden Lumber Co., Stockton. December meeting, the chair appointed Robert Inglis, R F.
S. H. Rothermel, Central Lumber Co., Stockton. Wells, and Bruce DuVall as nominating committee to re-
R. F. Wells, 'West Turlock Lbr., Turlock. Port at that meeting.
W. H. Falconbury, Falconbury Lbr. Co., Stockton. Miss Ruth Felt, of Stockton, favored the Club with G. E..Ground, Modesto Lbr. Co., Modesto. two solos.
C. N. Wood, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland. On motion of Chas. Bird, seconded by Geo. Good, and C. G. Bird, Stockton Lbr. Co., Stockton. duly carried, it was decided to invite the San Joaquin
F. W. Burgers, Union Lumber Co., S. F. Valley and the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Clubs to
T. H. McPherson, Escalon Lbr. Co., Escalon. meet in joint session in Stockton in February,'expenses of Geo. A. Good, Good Lumber Co., Tracy. the meeting to be borne proportionally by the three clubs, Robert Inglis, San Joaquin Lbr. Co., Stockton. the same as on former occasions of this kind.
A. R. Mariin, Hayward-Lumber Co., Manteca. The chair appointed Chas. G. Bird, Robert Inglis, and BL R. DuVall, Ripon Lbr. Co., Ripon. W. H. Falconbury, a committee to take the mattcr up with J. U. Gartin, Stanislaus Lbr. Co., Modesto. other clubs. ;