2 minute read
We have a good stock of The l-ouisvillc Vcneer Mills' product in Los Angeles for im.rrrediate delivery. If you have not received our November | 5th PriccStock Sheet let us !n6$7-1a7s want you to have one for your guidance in ordering-
PANELS-3 and 5 ply, good I and 2 sides-
Quartered Figured Red Gum
Rotary Cut Stripe Figured Red Gum
Unselected Gum
Sliced Cut American Walnut
Figured Mahogany
Quartered White Oak
Quarter Figured Red Gum
American Walnut
Figured Mahogany
Quartered White Oak
Sliccd Cut
Quartered Figured Red Gum
Figured Mahogany
American Walnut
Rotary Cut
Stripe Figured Red Gum
Plain Red Gum
Unselected Gum
Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club Meetin$
The Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club met on Nov. 15 at Travelers Hotel, Sacramento. Those present wene:
L. H. Chapman, A. S. McKinney, W. B. Dearborn, P. K. Holland, E. E. White, W. Tilden, C. D. LeMaster, Walter Baker, G. H. Young, Geo. E. Geary, J. R. Neylan, I. E. Brink, L. P. Larsen, W. D. Thomas, O. L. Russum, W. A. Glenn, F. E. Conner, Jas. Tully, Allan Turner, A. A. Kelly, L. E. Browne,'H. C. Henry, G. H. Hecke, E. S McBride, E. T. Robie, H. Massey, H. C. Ferguson, A. B. Wastel, G. N. Whiteside, J. M. Montgomery, H. M. Derr, Harold Cloughley, and D. G. Milbrath.
During the luncheon, Messrs. Chapman, Cloughley and rowne entertained with songs and music. Each member then introduced himself and stated the name of the firm represented.
Mr. G. H. Hecke, Director of Agriculture, State of California, was introduced by the Secretary. Mr. Hecke spoke on the work and accomplishments of his department, and the plans he has in mind for the future development and growth of this important state departmenl He told of the work of standardization of fruit, which has increased our exports; fighting of disease in timber, alfalfa, cotton, and live-stock; weights and measures division, marketing division. etc.. all of which has been consolidated with the nd division, etc., the Department of Agriculture. The efficiency of the Department of Agriculture reflects itself in the prosperity of the producers of the State.and should have the complete cooperation and support of business interests.
Mr. D. G. Milbrath, in charge of the plant division for the Department of Agriculture, spoke briefly regarding his duties.
It is with regret that the club learned. that Mr. E. EWhite, manager of the California Door Co., Folsom, has been transferred to the bay section, since it will make it impossible for him to regularly attend our meetings. II€ has served as secretary for our club for two yeais. He will represent the California Door Co. as salesman, and his many friends are glad to hear of his promotion. His successor at Folsom is Mr. G. H. Young, who has beea with the company several years.
A letter from Mr. C. G. Bird, of Stockton, invited our members to meet with the Central and San Joaquin clubs at a joint meeting in Stockton to be held next February.14.
A telegram from A. L. Porter, secretary Western Retail Lumbermen's Association, was r€ad, inviting all lumbermen to the Seattle Institute, Feb. l8th, lfth.and 20th.
Since the dates will not confict, a motion was made and seconded that we meet with the Central and San Joaquin Clubs on Feb. 14th, and pay one-third of the expense of said meeting.
A motion was made and seconded that the ladies be invited to attend the December meeting. Motion carried.
President Chapman appointed the following committee to have full charge of the December fneeting. Jo Shepard, chairman; Curtis Cutter, E. E. Bryan, R. Grenfell, and E. S. McBride. This committee will arrange for place o{ meeting, luncheon, entertainment, etc.
The following committee was appointed to nominate officers for the coming year: W. B. Dearborn, chairman; Jas. Tully, F. A. Hutton, Curtis Cutter, and P. M. Norbryhn. The report ivill be received and election held at the December meeting.
The meeting adjourned out of respect to the late Mrs. W. F. Knox, and the secretary was instructed to rritc letters of sympathy to the two daughters and Mr. Oscar Miller of the Knox Lumber Co.
