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Arizona Lumberrnen's Club Meets At Phoenix
Phoenix, Nov. 1S-State Fair Week unofficially but very emphatically opened Saturddy night,. Novembei 8th, witlr the arrival in town of Irving Jennings and Rufus Kohler from Douglas and Calvett fror-4' Cleqnenceau.
Ed. Wheelock arrived from Los Angeles on Monday the lOth to prelude,his pleasures wi1h"a little businesi. The rest of the boys filtered in from then on to Friday. Amongst those observed as coming from distant shoris were:
Dooley Goodrich
Gus Hoover
Roy Stanton
Jeff Tully
Ed. Wheelock
The above are wholesalers who were visitors.
Among the visiting retSilers were:
H. S. (Hi) Corbett of 'Tucson
Irving Jennings of -f)ouglas
Jj W. Tardy and Mrs,-Tardy of Douglas
Francis Pool and Mrs,'Pool of Supeiior
John Wood of Bisbee
Tony Trojanovich of Globe
John C. Light.of Miami
Mr. Lyr-rch of Ray
Mr. Boyle of Winkleman
Jim Whelan and Mrs. Whelan of Tucson
'The Lumbermen'S convention opened with a golf tournament at the Phoenix Country Club. Among the foursomes noticed were one made gp of :
Roy Stanton
Gus Hoover
Jeff Tulfy
Jack Halloran and another made up o(:
Monroe Harris
John C. Light.
W. A. Warriner
Percy Merithew.
In the foursome consisting of Stanton, Hoover, Tully and Halloran a great dehl , of sheckles is said to have changed hands much aftei the manner in which lumber c-hanges hands, from the .wholesalers to the retailer. Leroy developed bad attacks of neuritis, lumbago and various other ailments, especi.ally noticeable after bad shots. In fact it became so bad that a nurse.had to be called to take his temperature and administer stimulants on nearly eytry tee. r' On Friday night, the l4th, a banquet was had at thc Adams Hotel at which all the visiting wholesalers and retailers were present together with all the local retailers and resident wholesalers, altogether 4O sitting in. Impromptu speeches were made by those called upon by Mr. Corbett,. President of the Club, who acted as toastmastcr. Among the notable talks was one by Frank M. Pool of Winkleman, who is now National Prohibition Enforcement Officer for the State of Arizona. He told the boys just where to head in. Mr. Pool operates lumber yards'at Ray, Winkleman and Superior, is a past President of the Lumbermen's Club, and a highly respected and mueh loved member of the lumber fraternity. terest it was voted to hold the regular annual meeting next May, in Nogales. The meeting then adjourned.
During the entire week all enjoyed visits to the State Fair, where horse racing $ras seen every afternoon under the Pari-Mutuel system.
A number of dinner parties were given by various members of the lumber, cement ind sash and door fraternity. Among these was a dinner dance at the Arizona Club of Thursday night, the l3th, a dance at the Phoenix Country Club on Friday night after the banquet, and a largt dinner party at the Arizona Club on Saturday night, followed by a dancing party at Joyland.
The ladies had a large share in making the convention the big success it was. Frequent lunch-eons werc given at the Clubs in honor of the visiting ladies, at which the ladies of local dealers and wholesalers presided.
/ On Saturday morning the regular m meeting of the Lumbermen's Club was called to order by the President, H. S.
Los Angeles Yard Changts Naue
The name of the McCausland Lumber Company, Los Angeles, has been changed to the White Lumbcr Company, following the purchasing of an interest. in the business, by Mr. Chas. I. White, Jr.