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IVeq/ Featwres On Andersen Frames
Regu.lar Frame-Detail No. 7
For Frame Buildings
1. Rabbet in the water drip insures perfectly tight fit and prevents water from running back in under the casing.
2.1he groove under the front cdge of the rvater drip also prevents water from running back.
3. The double shoulders on the sill, against which the storm sash and bottom sash rests. These make it impossible for either wind or water to enter the building at any point along the sill.
4. The rounded front edge of the sill p.events slivering at that point.
5. The rabbet on the bottom of the sill towards the back edge of the frame, into which a piece of 1x4 false casing maybe inserted, or the lath and plaster may be run up into this rabbet.
NoTE,-Subsill frames are furnished where that construction is required.
Box \l/indow Frame-Detafl No. 14.C
For Brick, Tile aod Concrete Wallo
1. Thick head jamb is furnished to give strength where most needed.
2. The back liner is thick and beveled on inside edgr so a narrow inside fnish may be used. It also provides a clinch to the plaster.
3. The inside casing is plowed for jamb liner instead of rabbeted. Where the frames are used for 8 inch walls, the plow may be covered over by the inside finish whereas a rabbet would have to be filled.
,f. The sill has a double shoulder the same as the frame building frame, and has the rabbet into which the false casing may be inseted or the lath and plaster may be run up into it.
5. The sill is wide.so that a regular storm sash can be used.
6. The brick moulding is square, making a neater moulding than the old beaded brick moulding and gives a better chance to fasten the buttons for storm sash and screeru.
Andersen Lumber Company
AC-t2 Bayport, Minneeota