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Maxwell & Wilkinson Take Gerlinger Agency
Maxwell & Wilkinson, Los Angeles wholesalers of many different kinds of Pacific Coast lumber products, have just made an important announcement that they have completed arrangements with the Gerlinger Lumber Company, Portland, for the'exclusive agency in Southern California for the rail and cargo shipments from this large concern.
Maxwell & Wilkinson have prospered in the Southern California district since they opened offices there, just about a year ago.
Besides the Gerlinger account, they represent the L. B. Menefee Lumber Company, Treoning Mairufacturing Company, and a well known Michigan hardwood floor manufacturer.
They are now operating the S. S. Daisy Freeman into Southern California.
San Pedro Has Large Day
The 5th of November saw the arrival of eight lumber carriers, all from Pacific ports, and marked one of the largest day's receipts for some time.
The boats arriving on that day were: the El Capitan from Anacortes, Santa Inez from Seattle, Anne Hanify from Grays l{arbor, Quinault from Columbia River, Catherine G. Sudden from Grays Ffarbor, Point Loma from Grays Ilarbor, Olympic from Puget Sound ports, and Esther Johnson from Grays Harbor.
FARMERS WILL BUY LUMBER From the Byron'Tirnes"
Lumbermen, railroads, cirpenters, tradesmen, and most of all the farmer himself, are interested to know that the American farmer will this year have $1,(XX),000,fi) more for his crops than he had last year, says The Manufacturer.
The Forest Service calculates that the average American farm-and there are 6,000,000 of them-reguires 25,m feet of lumber to prrt its buildings into good working condition. That would require 150 billion feet, almost four years' normal lumber cut for all the mills of the countr5r.
Not having the money for replacemeot or repairs, ttc farmer has let his buildings deteriorate. Many farms could not be operated economically because of defective building facilities.
But now, with a protective tariff on everything he sells, with lorv tariff or no tariff on what he must buy, with thc new reparations plan opening up the European and world markets for American farm products, and with a billion surplus dollars in his pockets, the American farmer can buy ind build.
Crosier Goes With C. D. Johnson
Mr. Fred J. Crosier, well known in Southern California through his association with Sudden & Christenson,.has taken the position as manager for the C. D. Johnson Lumber Company, at their Los Angeles branch.
He recently returned from the north, where he spent a month in and around the mill operations at Toledo and at the offices at Portland.
Mr. C. L. Anstadt will remain in the Los Angeles offices.
Once Is Not
Builders always prefer Pioneer Slate-Surfaced Shingles because they are easy to lay. They are of absolutely uniform size and color and require less nails than any other type of shingle. There is no breakage or waste-they are strong and non-curling yet sufficiently pliable for thatch effects and roll edges.
Pioneer Slate-Surfaced Shingles are preferred by architects because of their beauty, thiir economy, their color-fastness and because they have won the approval of the National Board of Fire Underwriters.
You don'l have to "push" Pioneer Slate-Surfaced Shingles-they sell themselves-and every sale means protit both for you and the customer.