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The Philosophy of Mr. Pip

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I don't Eee no call for thir highcr up eddicashun of people about lumbcr. I keeps the cheapeat lumbcr at the cheapcet price, and there ia a few thiogr that some folks that ain't got my learnin' in tfie lumber bizness don't know. 'Tain't no matter of argerment that any lumber may be fitten for the purpose for which it might be used, pen'ided that the feller that is usin'it knows how to uee it, for ain't it a fact, that by dressin' out the rough placcs, cuttin' out trhe knots, bracin' the weal spots, furrin' out the thin edges, straightenin' the crooks, chinLin' otfier defecta with putty, an'drivin'a lot of nails to hold it together, that a feller who KNOVS HOW CAN USE MOST AI.IY KIND OF LUMBER IN ANY WAY.

ln cource, it ain't no conaern of mine about the other fellcr'r co8t, an' if the work on my cheap lumber cost more tlran double, the feller that ig doin' the paying can howl at hiaseU, an'promise hisself that the next time hc buye lumber, he will buy it from the other lumber yards in this tolyr, but I ain't bothcrcd none, for there is lots of follcs dtoy" huntin' for cheap lumber, an' it will take a long, long time to eddicate all of ttrem, an' I ctill has plenty of chances for b gleat many folks to buy the cheapest lumber at the cheapcat price from me. An' I am still doin' biz' ness at the same old stand in the samc old way.

Do You Know That

Hammond is much rrtore than a lumber company. Beside carrying the largest and most complete stock of lumber in Southern California. this huge organization also supplies other building materials when and where you want them.


Ifammond carries a full line of Twelve Test paints with all accessories. These paints were selected from a competitive test made with all leading brands. We believe -in fact we know-that you get better value in Twelve Test paints.


and Doorr

There are several bis buildings, each one the size of an ordinary sash and door factory, inside the Hammond yards all devoted to making sash and doors the Hammond way. There is a big warehouse with evbry conceivable size stored ready to be shipped out at once when your order is received. The mills are doing special work for the biggest and smallest jobs. All through the plant you will find the finest mod- €rn machinerv. Hammond takes care to see that the workmanship in these shops 15 Superror.


One of the most complete lines of builders' hardware you ever saw is exhibited at the Hammond display rooms. Come down here-bring your. plients-and select what you need from the display.

Herdwood Flooring

One big department of Hammond Lumber Company is devoted exclusively to hardwoods and hardwood flooring. We furnish a complete service with installing if desired or we will sell you the material itself at lowest prices consistent with super- ior quality.

Roofin3*Stucco, Etc.

When you order your building materials Hammond can supply you with everything from the sand and rock that go into the foundation to the roofing over it all. There is a complete line of roofing, cement, plaster, shingles, stucco and similar materials at the Hammond yards ready to. go out instantly upon recerpt or your orcer.

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