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Right Here In Los Angeles
Tilden Lumber and Mill Go. Buy Yards at Fresno and Hanford
. Announcement has been made of the purchase of the Sunset Lumber Company of .FreS4o and the Lucerne Lusrller Co. of Hanford, rvhich have been under the management of the Sunset Lumber Co. by the Tilden Lumber and Mill Co. of Oakland. The Sunset Lumber Co. is a subsidiary company of the Chas. Nelson Co. of San Fraacisco, with large saw-mill interests in the Northwest.
Effective May l, 1924, the. Tilden Lumber & Mill Co. took over the yards of the Sunset Lumber Co. at Sacramento, Galt, Stockton, Suisun, Martinez, Concord, Hayrvard. El Dorado, Milpitas, East San Jose, San Jose Mill and Yard, IUorgan Hill, and Salinas. In addition to t{re above yards which have been purchased from the Sunset Lumber Co., the Tilden Lumber and Mill Co. operates yards at Oakland, Berkeley, Piedmont, Elmhurst, Richmond and Crockett. The company makes its headquarters at its Oakland yard, located at Second and Harrison Streets.
Mr. E. M. Tilden, the president of this large rctail lumber organization. has been associated with the lumber business in California for many years. He received his early experiences in the lumber business with the Sierra Lumber Co. of Red Bluff, where he started as an office boy. He.
started his first lumber yard at Point Richmond in l9m
Lumber Shipuents Heavy
Aberdeen, 'Wash., Nov. 4.-Lumber shipments by water from Grays Harbor during October brought thc totd for the year thus far near the billion-foot marlc The ship ments for the month were 78,6&[,59 and the total inclusive of this amount is about 875,ffi,00 feet. Shipments for September were 90,@,0(X) feet, and those of October, 1923, 84,019,O00 feet.
Coastwise trade took the bulk of the cargoes in October, the total being 47,375,ffi feet, carried in 42 vessels of. V394 tons. Fifteen vessels, aggregating 54,%l tons, carried' 21,901,595 feet to foreign ports, Japan being the heaviest buyer. Four ships of. 11,247 tons carried 9,405,m4 feet to east coast ports.
Power Plant Is Built
2203 Sante Fe Ava Lb AngCc.
$650,(Xn Coos Bay System to Bcgin Opcratioo in Deccobcr Marshfield, Oie.,- Nov. 16.-Early in Decenber the Mountain States Power company, which serves dl cities in Coos county, including North Bend, Marshfeld, Coquille, Bandon, Myrlle Point and Powers, will put into -ope-ration its newly tonstructed lnwer Plant,- _brrilt on the North Bend water front at a cost of $650,ffi.
The plant will start with a kilowatt capacity of 5000 and be addid to as business demands. Thirtj' thousand'kilowatts is its capacity. The plarrt will opgrate with a -large mill refuse hog aj fuel provider and the refuse will bc brought to thJ location on scows from the various sawmills on the bay.
Vancouver, B. C., Nov. l6'-Over 25,ffi,ffi) board feet of lumber was exported from this port-d-uriqg-tlle month of September, the aitual figures-being.26,784,ffiO feet. Since the first of the year the total number exports amount.to 323,056,0m boari feet" This is a large increase over the total for the whole ef lest Year.