2 minute read
Creating Desire by Advertising
When your aim is to separate a man from his CASH by giving him in exchange for the cash those commodities that you have for sale, then ADVERTISING must lose everything of the haphazard, and must get down to the business of functioning intelligently and forcefully. Just filling space with black and white won't do it.
You go out after that sort of advertising copy with every bit of ingenuity in your make-up keyed up to get RESULTS.
FIRST, you must create a DESIRE for the article you want to sell.
As many changes are run in on that desire as t.re nature of the article and the ingenuity of the writer can produce. The UTILITY, the FUNCTION of that article, are played up in every possible manner, until the DESIRE FOR POSSESSION overpowers the DESIRE TO KEEP THE MONEY; and the AMOUNT of money is really secondary.
Now THAT method of advertising is fundamental. It applies whether the article for sale is phonographs, fountain pens, land, or building materials. And the same success will be secured by the makers or dealers of any commodity -our own included-just so long as the FUNCTION is advertised instead of the THING ITSELF.
No one buys anything for the mere sake of HAVING IT.
It is NOT the possession of the article that gives the benefit that alone can be the excuse for a sale-the exchange of money for article.
The only reason we value MONEY is for what it can DO. A dollar in the pocket is without value; its sole worth lies in the fact that it can be exchanged for something of benefit to YOU. It may be urged that its mere possession is of value, but that is begging the question, for that POSSESSION is of value only because of its latent power of purchase, and not at all THROUGH the possession.
Yet many people fail to realize the difierence between MERE POSSESSION ANd BENEFICIAL USE"
And the lumber industry is just beginning to find out what it has really been trying to sell for a generation, namely, the FUNCTIONS of those buildings that can be erected with their materials. Yet we continue in large measure to say "lumber" when we mean t'protection," and "Shingles" when we mean a roof.
And the fact that what our customers want is PROTECTION, and what we have so long offered them is simply the RAW MATERIALS from which this protection may be secured when properly placed together in a certain form, has always been one of the drag-anchors of the lumber business.
Is a LOT of money.
That is the value of the cotton crop this year, to the farmers of the great cottonproducing state of Texas. The total production of cotton this year will total THIRTEEN MILLION BALES, and of this great amount, the state of Texas grew FOUR MILLION SIX HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND BALES.
This 'means, among other things, that Texas will have another very prosperous year in 1925.
Who Bacfts the RoofingYou SeII?
You know the responsibility of the Weaver Roof Company. You know that the name "Weaver" gtandg for honest, sincere quality. You know that anybody to whom you sell "Weaver" Roofing is going to get full and complete satisfaction.
There is a great sense of eatiafaction eelling such roofing. It helpe you to build solidly and enlist public confidence.
There is a "'Weaver" Roofing for every type of building.

Masterbilt BreakfastNooh as it k shirped to yo*, all- assembled; iust slip into your opening in 2x4 stud ztall, and it k ready to tsc.