1 minute read
Mr. Pep Says
Are you building a business, or just running a "yard?'
The world gets most of its impressions THROUGH THE EYES. Are YOU giving the eyes of your local trade anything to tell their brains about?
A dollar has been well spent when the spender is well satisfied with what he got in return. That must be the foremost thought of the constructive salesman.
Repairing and repainting time starts April first, and ends the last day of Maich, EVERY YEAR. ***
Put a "kick" in your advertising like you do in your "home brevr'," and the folks around town will sure know about you. ***
Tell your home folks that this is the time of the year to protect their porch and yard furniture with a fresh coat of paint; and not to sit down on them until it dries. ***
Some salesmen travel at such a high rate of speed trying to catch up with the competitor AHEAD, that they overlook the orders they are leaving BEHIND.
A pessimist is the present day young lady, holding up her skirt when she crosses .*-lOUt street.
If you can't smile while you're selling, your prospective customer has one mighty fine reason to start with for not buying.
Mary Rose sat on some fresh painl
Mary Rose sat on some fresh paint.
Mary Rose sat on some fresh paint.
Mary Rose !
The only difference between a "dealer" and a "merchant" is his THINKING.
Are you trying to make the folks in yourdistrict discover their need for more building material, or are you one of those unfortunates who think Providence sends just so much business to each town and the dealer's job is to fight the other fellow for the lion's share of it ?
The most hopeless man on.earth is the man who doesn'l realize that his only limitation is the limit he puts on HIMSELF.