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C.'W'. Pinkerton Elected to Serve Third Term '/
Mr. C. W. Pinkerton, head of the Whittier Lumber Company, and for the pa.st two years president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association. was elected bv the board of directors to succeed himself in the high office, for another year.
The board met at Bakersfield on Tuesday the 18th.
A large number of the recently elected directors were in attendance at the one-dav session at which a number of other important matters #ere discussed and disposed of.
The resignation of Mr. A. B. Wastell, field manager, was carefully considered and accepted, effective January l,1925.
Mr. Frank L. Fox, Fox Woodsum Lumber Company, Glendale, was elected vice Dresident for the southern district, and Mr. M. A. Harrii. Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Company, San Francisco, was made vice president for the northern district.
Mr. George Waddell, Waddell Lumber Company, Alameda, was elected treasurer.
The next directors meeting will be held at Fresno, during the annual meeting of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club, in January.
Three new directors were elected, replacing three who
New Yard At Tujunga
Strube and Sweet have opened a yard at Tujunga, near Sunland. This company also operates a yard at Roscoe.
had been selected at the Los Angeles Convention, but who were unable, to serve.
Mr. R. F. Wells, Turlock, replaces Geo. L. Meissner. I\{r. J. H. Shepard, Sacramento, replaces Oscar Miller, and Frances Boyd, Santa Barbara, replaces his brother, Scott Boyd.
Arthur T. IJpson, Lumber Standard Adviser of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, Washington, D. C., is a San Francisco visitor. He is making a trip to the Pacific Coast, where he is working with the Lumber Manufacture Associations on the interpretation and ap- plication of the American Lumber Standards. At the weekly luncheon of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San F-rancisco, held at the Palace Hotel on Monday, November 17, Mr. Upson gave an excellent talk on Lumber Standardization and the progress that has been made by thre various lumber associations in the United States in thb application of the Lumber Standards.
William Day, retired lumberman and a formertresident of Potter Valley, Mendocino County died in Sacramentp on November 18. Mr. Day was 66 years of age.. ;