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He Waited
I waited and I waited For just the place to work; I know I was proficient- I did.not mean to shirk; But when I found my perfect job And blithely went to take it, The boss said, "You've Micawber's fault, I fear you'll never make it."
I waited and I waited To start a bank account; I longed to show the teller A fine worth-while amount; I saved until with coin I'd filled A red tomato can And then it went away one night With some bold burglar man.
I waited and I waited For just the time to marry; I had a splendid girl in towHer name. I think was Carrie. But when one moonlit night in June I told her I was readv. She grinned and said, "You're late, dear Prune. I've just said 'yes' to Freddie."
I waited and I waited For just the time to build; With thoughts of built-in fixin's My eager mind was filled, But when I saved a lot of kale(Now wasn't it a sin?) My landlord made a social call And calmly took it in.
-Adeline M. Conner.
Los Angeles "Examiner." November 23 BIGGER LUMBER TRADE
Lumbermen report that a big volume of business has developed following the national election and that the market has strengthened materially.
Both retailers and industrial consumers are buying more freely than they have for several months.
The general policy, however, is still to purchase for requirements near at hand only; but a number of firms are now obviously buying moderately for stock also, and, judging from the character of inquiries in circulation, there are many who are contemplating doing so.
Elmer Mattox Tries Out His New Sedan
Elmer Mattox, of the West Turlock Lumber & Mill Co., Tu-rlock, has been very busy of late trying out his new sedan and on Armistice Day drove up to Sonora for a.-few days visit. He reports that the new car is iunning like a charm.
Rod Hendrickson, of the Hendrickson Lumber Co., San Francisco, exclusive California Distributors of the well knorvn "IJniversity" and "Milwaukee" Red Cedar Shingles, las just issued an attractive pamphlet on the Gradinglnd Packing Rules of Red Cedar Shingles. The pamphlet also contains an interesting table showing the -coviring capacity for all grades under the various weather ex-posures.
YOU"Can You Send It Quicft?"
WOODY"You Bet! ,Todag it Necessary."
And Woody did. For right out iR the warehoure rvar 1'OOO,O0O feet of hardwood f,ooring of dl the gradcr for evey purpole known and a feet of truckr ready for rapid tranrit gervice. There'r alwayr lrO0OrOOO feet or more ready for you at lVoodytr" Depad on Woody for your hardwood fooring ^A,LL THE TIME Fined grader of oek, maplc, blech and birch.
Home Ownership asafeguard % of Good CitizenshiP '% ry

The manwho promotes the building and owning of homea at this time ie following a line that could not poesibly be surpassed, for safeguarding the life of the nation. There waa never a timc cince tfie Declaration of lndependence wa! written and signed, when there utere ao many powerful elemcntr working energetically and apparently fcarlcsly toward the destruction of thosc fundamcntalr of American citizenship which we have alwayr held dear.
When you make a man a home owncr, hc naturally immediately assumes a peraonal concern in public afiairs, and begins taking an active part in the better life of that community of which he has become a stockholder by reaeon of his home-owning investment. He has taken root, and no longcr ie a drifter. He has an object for which to work. and save. He has a community to uphold of which hc now considers himself an integral part. Hir family ehares with him that sense of ownership aDd rcspon- -///sibility. Better living conditions aficct e6ciency for ///t the better, impart the stimulating influence of happi- V-a ness, and insure a high morale.
The home-owning spirit transforma thc conmunity, the county, the digtrict, thc state, and thc natioa.
Home orming prevcnte Bolshevi$n.