1 minute read
By lack Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told f.or 2O years-Some less.
A Case of Similarity
A new member of Congress was being shaved in Washington by an aged colored barber. The shop was a favorite one in Washington with the prominent men of the capitol, and the old barber was accustomed to boasting that he had shaved most of the great men that had come to the city in two generations, and knew most of them intimately and well. So the new Congresstnan wanted to hear his stories, and said:
"IJncle, f understand that you have.shaved many famous men in this city."
"Yessuh !" said Uncle Mose. "Ah has indeed !"
"And I suppose that many of those famous men sat in this very same chair that I am sitting in to be shaved ?"
"Dat's right, boss. An' I'se jest ben noticin' a cur'us similarity between yo' and Daniel Webster, suh !"
"You don't say so" said the highly delighted lawmaker. "You mean my face?"
"No suh !" said the aged barber. "Yo' bref."
Tell This One to the Kid
Little Jack was inordinately proud of the big round badge which his father, an auto man, had brought home with him from the automobile show. It had a picture of a famous make of automobile on one side, and a motto in large golden letters on the other, and could be worn either way. He wore it to Sunday School.
The pastor walked down among the scholars, smiling upon each bright-faced little boy gnd girl after the timehonored custom of pgstors at gdch times, and his eye fell on the badge on little lacV/coat.
"Ah, my son, whaf hgsr{you there?"
"That's my golden text," said the little fellow, likewise beaming at the recognition of his badge.
"Your golden text? That's very nice. And what does it say?"
And little Jack held it up for inspection. The Pastor's smile did not disappear. It just seemed to freeze up as he read on the button: