2 minute read
-from " arist octatic" doort-
There are many advanlogcs in hafig rte fuh lmber tleliverei! lo yottr cuslomct oirlr hir slh, dorlrs, anil sqecial funiture. A factory twning oul fme miII vorfr viII ha ulle rte mouldbgs' asing ad base in lhe same carcful mormer- Thc stocl uill be scientificalty tiln ilricil, aII flst yorfacq vlll k smootlrlg sanilet! ld.rth fne llrltd-pqa' it oill h ilelivercil in good condilion oul gow custotnct vill be pleaseil. It is worth trying.

Try It
Say, what's the use in taking stock In all these things we hearWhy "rip the lining" out of Jones And make Smith look so queer? You cannot always tell, my boY, Perhaps 'tis all a lieJust step around behind some tree And watch yourself go bY.
In business and in pleasure
As in the social life, It doesn't pay to speculate Or let your thoughts run rife. But try to see the best in those . Who in your pathwaY lie, Just slip around behind a tree And watch yourself go bY.
"Father" said the school boy at the dinner table in the evening. "I have been hearing a lot about 'untold wealth' and I want to know what it means."
"'lUntold wealth' my son" said the father, "is the property you keep ofr the income tax list."
"Do you promise to love, honor, and keep this woman in hair cuts for life?"
Home Brew Sieve
Jones-"Always run your home brew through an I. W. .W. sock before you bottle it.'r
Bsnss-"Vl/hat for?"
Jones-"To keep it from working."
"Some people are like a check for a million dollars drawn on a ruined bank. They look big, and they promise great things, but you can't cash them."-Lincoln.
I believe in my ComPanY-
I study the instructions and policies of my Company until it is easier for me to do business according to these instructions than anY other waY.
I implicitly follow these iristructions. I am loyal.
I am as honest with my Compiny as I want it to be with me.
I work just as hard as though I owned the Company myself.
Looking Yourself Over Socratically
Socrates taught, nearly five hundred years before Jcsus Christ was born, that a man could only succeed by thc building and development of bis own character, and that in order to do that successfully he must be able to "watcb himself go by" as it were. He said a man should loot upon his own mind, his own character, as a thing aPaft, and he should sit off and watch its workings, and iudge its development, its strength and its weakness, in an entirely'abstract manner. If he found ttat '-ind of his showing smdl weaknesses, such as angcr, envy, jedousy, fear, etc", he would realize its imperfections, and go to work to build it up.
Keep It Up
One step won't taLe you very far, You've got to keep on wdking; One word won't tell folhs wtat you are, You've got to LeeP on tdking; One inch won't make you very tall, You'Ye got to teep on growing; One little "ad." FoE-t do it dl, You've got to teeP'en going.

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