1 minute read
s BeIt Holds First Concatenation
The newly organized Citrus Belt Hoo Hoo District, com_ prrsed ot towns in the San Bernardino_Riverside District, f:ll " very successful Concatenation on the nlght of the lUth, wrth a good number of representative lirmbermen trom therr own district _in attendance, and quite a number of Lrcs Angeles Cats who went to San Bernardino to ptrt on the work for them.
There were fourteen_ Kittsns, done up brown by the Los Angeles team,, assist.g by Past Snark'Herman {..;;b";; taking care of the Junior work.
The Kittens were:
'- Michael Hlitsch, Quality Mill Co., San Bernardino; W. B1' Coombs, Suverkrup Lbr. Co., San Bernardino: E. D.
Franz, Hammond Lbr. Co., San Berrrardino; M. R. Standi!h, Sun Co. (newspaper), San Bernardino; G. R. Kremer, Hayward Lbi. Co.,-Sin Eernardino; L. L.'Oldfield, Hammond Lbr. Co., San Bernardino; H. F. Suverkrup, Suverkrup Lbr. Co., San Bernardino !br._Co., Bernardino; J. E. Suverkrup, Suverkrup Lbr. Co., San Bernardino; L. W. Finlay, Rusj Lbr. & Mill Russ Lbr. C-9r, R_e!l11ds I E. C. Thompson, Haywird Lbr..Co., Victoryille; V. W. Grubbs, Smith Grubbs Co., Riverside; H. C. Wilson, Crasmel Mfg. Co., Riverside; G. W. Loring; Hammond Lumber Co., Highland; J. Van Vliet, Fox Wood- nd; J. sum. Rialto.
Fifteen of the Los Angeles boys were there. Frank Curran acted as Snark, B. W. Bookstaver took the Senior Hoo Hoo position, Curtis Williams, Junioi Hoo Hoo, Mel- vin Coe, Custocation, Jack Rea, Bojum, Frank Connelly, Arcanoper, Jack Ellis, Jaberwock, W. V. Whitson, Gurdon and Andy Donovan, Scrivenoter.
The irew district has not yet selected a Vicegerent.