1 minute read

Buih so tbey Can't Go Sf/rong

OU can recommend CaOWALLADER or they can be painted. SLAB DOORS to your customers and Cost Less Tban Natiae Hardanood Doors

Veneered uitlt Fineft Philippine Mabogany CADWALLADER DOORS are veneered Bataan and Lamao Philippine Mahoganies, cut in ourPhilippine forests. These mahogany veneers take a beautiful natural finish, r . rr. t I .tt I I Rnowyou',re sellmg cloors thatwlll make gooct. rhese doors are built for long and hard illf #.1.lJffiXa#3:h J3,"1*t usage. Cores are of high grade soft wood same as domestic softwood doors. Keep them in UtoEt r p.tt tog"ther wiih r?guhrstile and stock. Thev will bring in new customers andhelp ;;ia;;,irr#il;:'-W;;-rfffi;;il eil keep the old ones satisned warp, shrink or swell. mo.nths. This discussion rvas led by NIr. ticipated in by the entire convention.

(Continued from Page 10.)

The report of the Nominating Committee was then read, and the slate of directors was nnanimously elected.

Arthur Moore, of The Oakland Bank, business talk on "Trade Development."

Will Goddard, of Oakland, made a fine talk Organization Pay," that will be reproduced in

Didesch and parmade a very fine on "Does these columns.

The session was then adjourned.

Friday afternoon was the final session.

Professor Ira B. Cross, professor of Economics at the University of California, delivered a spirited and forceful lecture on "Industrial Tendencies."

The installation of the nerv officers took place imrnediately this session opened, the directors having met during the

"The Millman's place in the $5,000,000 Lumber Trade Prominent Millmen Who .Attendeil the Convention

Extension Campaigu," rvas discussed briefly by Earl Bowe, associated with the Western Division of the National Lumber IVlanufacturers Association office at San Francisco, in rvhich he explained thebig national advertising campaign for wood, and rr hat it means to the millmen, extending the service of the Association to the Institute and its members.

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