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showed an increase of more than 30 per cent; 14 showed an actual loss in assets."

Advocates Nation-wide Campaign

Mr.. Butler told o.f the qdvocacy by leading b-uilding-loan executives in various sections of the country of launching a Ia.ge fund to carry on a consistent nation-r,gide campaign for the purpole of fur- ther acquainting_the people with the advantages oi building-loan associations for thrift and home-ownershio.

Stabilization of Building-Loan Funds

Ottlining the present problems of the building-loan associations as they pertain to the stabilization of building-loari funds, Mr. Butler stated that the United States League has gone on record as favoring a plan whereby a governmental agency, -based on the fundamentati plan of the Land Bank of the State of New york will be organized, so that when the associations in one section of the country iave ari abundance of cash money on hand with no loan applications to absorb it, it can be made available to associations in other sections which at the same time have an abundance of lo4n applications and not sufficient cash to satisfy these requests.t'

"This .qu€stion," Mr. Butler declared, "is important to the retait lumber dealers, second only to the building-loan-men.,' Better Relations Committees

In recommending the appointment of a committee on better relations with building-loan associations, Mr. Butler said:

"I understand that the president of the California League of Buildilg-Loan- Associations delegated a committee of building-loan officials to sit in at the sessions of this convention. That is a fine thing. I^ would. gq furth_er-I would recommend the appointment by thie California Retail Lumbermen's Association of a cbhmittee on Letter relations with building-loan associations-I would also recommend that the California League maintain a permanent committee on bet- ter relations with the retail lumbermen. If two such committees were meeting together from time to time, such misunderstandings as may arise between building-loan associations and retail dealers could. to a considerable extent, be minimized.

"It is co-operation in o*.11"""X"i,?lt:lrr, .r the one hand.', Butrer continued, "and the participation by the small investor in the cooperative_ financial institutions, on the other hand, that is making home-building and home-buying possible today.

"Tremendous has been the growth of the building-loan movement as a whole, and in that growth the lumbermen of the United States. through the financial and moral support given by its great organiza- tions, have had a very active part."


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Yqq g"!r depend upon "Perfection". fn three modern plants operated by skilled.-lumbermen, orly the 6nest oak is selected. After propef seasoning and kiln.drying, it is perfetly milled 'and matched so thai it lays smoot[ and stays smooth. It is graded and handled so carefully that upon arrival anywhere, it is always in perfect condition. Leading lumber dealers glad;y feature this nationally advertised brand. There's a size and grade for every structure, new or old. Write today for full particulars.

ARKANSAS OAK FLOORING CO., Pine Blufi, Ark. trenpeeugN'

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