3 minute read
Tilden Industrial Enterprise Now Grouped as One Great Unit at Oakland
One of the biggest and most interesting rvood-using industrial enterprises in the entire United States-certainly' one of the most outstanding of its character on the entire Pacific Coast-has recently lteen created at Oakland. California, rvhen Mr. E. M. ("Duke) Tilden grouped together in one mighty institution his three porverful units. the Tilden Lumber & Mill Company. the National l[ill & Lumber Company. and the Pacific Tank & Pipe Company.
Up to this time the trvo latter lrnits have been grouped at one point on the C)akland deep luater front, rvhile the Tilden Lumber & lvlill Companl' occupied its original location several miles arvav. The Tilden l-umber & Mill Companv is the retail encl of the great Tilden lumber interests, in Oakland. A huge retail lumber yard, and a big and efficient rvood n'orking plant comprised this unit. Now the retail department has been moved to a fine tract of property immediately adjoining that already occupied by the trvo other units. The old mill at the old retail plant is being dismantled. A new and smaller mill has been completed and is already in operation on the new site. The bigmill at the old plant is not required here because the exceedinglv large mrll of the other units is here available.
A six rnachine all-electric mill of great efficiency is operating on the new site. The lumber yard is being rapidly moved. There are ten ancl one-half acres in the plant occupied by the nerv retail yard. It is being paved so that the lumber may be handled to all the piles by carrier.
A marvelous nerv-office builcling has been'compllted, and under the one big roof all the office forces of the three units are now grouped. It is a delightful office. Most of it is made up of one huge, brightlr, liehted and very attractive general rvork room. Mr. Tilden himself has the only private office, located in one corner of the great workroom, The off'c: of his son ancl assistant, Mr. Waverly Tilden. immediatelv adioins it.
The Lntire interior of the office is trimmed and paneled in Redwood, including the r.r'alls themselves. These panels were made in their orvn plant, are of solid Redwood, and are rvonderfully attractive. The great counter that divides the main work r.om {rom the entrance. is done attractively in solid oak. 'l.-ne interior of the big offrce is unusually pleasing in appearance. and makes a splendid impression on the visitor. They have used their own materials to great advantage. The ceilings are made of their own famous National Five-ply Wallboard, with Redrvood core, and is paneled rvith Redwood.
E. Xf . Tildcn
The big nerv retail department and mill is being tied up rvith the main plant, which covers thirty-one acres, itt a variety of rvays. The new mill is connected with the fuel house of the main plant by 1575 feet of 30-inch pipe, rvhich was recently installed by the Wesco Blower & Pipe Company, of Oakland. It is one of the biggest blower lineS in California. It is also connected rvith the main plant and the docks by Ross carrier lines, Brorvn hoist lines, and railroad lines.
(Continr.red on I'age 52.)
(Continued from Page 42) people has been in the past, not in this particular community, nor in any partic-ular community, but in the entire nation.',
Building-Loan Associations in California
"In Califor_lia," the speaker asserted, ,,in the last two years great progr-ess_has been made by the building-loan associations, duelo a combination of circumstances, but due mainly to the fact that a por- tion of the building-loan associations of Southern California did rihat the building-loan associations of the United States might have been doing_ for many- years, that is, they began telling the pe5ple of Southern California just what the building-loan association is and how it can. serve the people of its community by furnishing a place for their savings and. investment funds, also how-the building-loan plan is the nrost feasible, and, after all, the very easiest plan by which-the homeseeker can secure adequate financing for hii home.
"On Sgltember 30, 1927, the assels of the building-loan associations in California totaled $276,385,997."
Progress Made in California
"It is inte.resting to note that the greatest percentage of growth made_ ^by_ [uil4ingJoan associations in the vari,ous statds duri-ng the year.1926 is shown by those in Texas and California, a growth rihich outdi,ltances sucb great building-loan states as Ohio, pennsylvania and New Jersey."
Large Gain in Assets
-Q_uoting from data compiled by the building-loan commissioner of the state of California, Mr. Builer showed conclusively what can be done in a co-operative way to increase the assets of building- loan associations.
"P,li-"g the. latter part of 1926 and. the first part of 1922,,, he rclated, "thirty-eight per cent of the building-loan alsociations of Southern California alone entered into an inlensive co-operative educa- tional campaign, during which the increase in the asjets of all associations in California showed a gain of 33 per cent over the increase of the precedilrg six months; tha 102 assoiiations in Southern Cali- fornia showed an increase in assets of 46.0 per cent more than for the six months preceding; the Los Angeles- associations showed a gain of 89,0 per_cent il the increase of asiets-about'21 times the 33 per cent growth for the entire state. The combined aisociations in the state, other than those in Southern California, during the period of the campaign, showed an increase of but 4.6 per ceniof inirease of assets over the six month_s period preceding the campaign. Of the 7E associations in Central and Northern - Californii, inly l0