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Lumber And Shipping
AGENTS tgres. They do an enormous ironing board business in the East, their board being made of spruce, at once attractive in appearance and workmanship, and powerful in construction. These are sold principally in wholesale lots. Their folding breakfast nook iet is-one of the marvels of thebuilt-in business, and their kitchen furniture equip- ment is adaptable and highly attractive and efficient. -
This mighty business is the lengthened shadow of a man -E. M. Tilden. And it is a mighty lengthened shadow, for Mr. Tildenisn't big. But what he lacks in- size he makes up in ability, in virility, in business acumen, and forceful executive powers. He created the business, built !t sJeq by step to its present admirable proportions, and he_loots after every move that is made, right to this day.
He has been in the lumber business alwayl, starting wiih the Sierra Lumber Company, at Red Blufi, when h-e was just a boy. In 1901 he went into business for himself at Richmond, near Oakland, with a little retail vard. And from that small acorn, this mightly oak has giown in 26 Ieg_s. 9esides his three big units, the Tilden Lumber & yrll Comp-any, the Nationit tUitt & Lumber Company, and the Pacific Tank & Pipe Company (all three of wfr;Cn are now under one capital stock) all at Oakland, he oper- ates trventy-nine retail lumber yards outside of Oakland.
He finds time, does Mr. Tilden, to do many things besides look after every nook and corner of thii great-business that he has built. Heis President of thJFirst National Bank of Richmond, and Vice President of the Merchants National Bank of that same place. He is a Director in the Oakland Chamber of Commeice, and Vice president of the East Bay Industrial Association. He is active and interested in everything he touches. He takes his exercise by walking tirelessly around his great domain, and says that's the way he plays his golf.
Anyone talking to Mr. Tilden for an hour or so, and rvatching the operations that he directs, realizes that these
The J. D. Halstead Lumber Company is installing a yard at Flagstaff, Ariz., as another link in the long chain of yards which they have over the state. The new yard will be modeled very much after the yard at Williams, and Mr. R. A. Christy of the Witliams yard will be in charge.
Capt. E. A. Everts, formerly secretary of the Coos Bav Lumber Co., and now stationed at the- West point Mili: tary Academ;r, was a recent visitor to San Francisco. The captain spent several days calling on his many friends.
Several new additions to_ the plant of the Los Angeles Paper Co. have been completed recently and "r. ,roni op- erating to full capacity, acCording to N. L. Brinker, directir of sales. The entire eastern poition of the ground owned by this.growing.concern is now practicall/covered with new buildings with new modern machinery installed. , Mr. .Brinker- says-that the volume of roofing products shipped from their plant during the past six mon"thi has es_ tablished a record that far eiceedj all original estimates and expectations offered by various e*eculives when the first roofing machinery was installed less than two vears ago.
big business successes don't just happen. There's always a reason, and in this case, the reason is a most keen, uje_ ful, enterprising, and intelligent one. Mr. Tilden is that reason.
. (The Cleering Hourc).
This Column of"Wants" and "Don'tWants" is for:
The Fellow Wbo Wants to BuY
The Fellow Who'Wants to Sell
Rate: $2.50 per column inch
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
LUMBER YARD SITE-For sale or lease. Two acres on a Los Angeles Boulevard. Four-cent rate, sput track, sheds, planing mill buildir-rg. llurner, racks, etc., all ready to go. - Will-sell on termJ or lease with option to buy. Address Box C-160, c/o California Lumber Nferchant.
To Lease
On account of loss of our machinery by fire, lumber yard at junction of North Broadway Bridge, Pasadena Al ettue ind Avenue 18, one acre and established lumber business, and Just-Rite Homes Building Business.Will lease location for 10 years and sellstock of lumber at wholesale cost. No machinery to buy. Miller Box & Lumber Co.,20l No. Ave 18, Los Angeles'
For Sale
Estabtrished small Oregon Pine panels. cisco. Address Box
ON ACCOUNT OF DEATH: hardwood lumber yard, specializing in In city of 80,000 close to San FranC-I62. c/o Calif. Lumber Merchant.
SALESMAN WANTED by retail lun-rber company to call on the contractors and retail lumber trade in the Peninsula territory. Should be familiar with mill work and can measure imall jobs. State age and full particulars of your experience.Acldress, Boi C-161, clo California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Co- bY the Prescott
Brick and Lumber Co. oT Fresno, was announced by E- M' / Prescott on November 18' The Sangor Lumber Co' has / I been in active operation for 36 years. It -was purchased I
Av the }fume interests, headed by the late Thomas Hume, I ZS vears ago, and until the transfer on the above date was tt controlled-by his son, George Hume' The Prescott Brick
V and Lumbei Co. t"ut started in Fresno in 1883. by F' K' ' Pr.r.ott, president, and has been actively associated with the lumber business ever since'
Alro for the ncw BRU-CELL'IZED OAK FLOORING a treated flooring, guaranteed againrt moicture and termitce. It will pleaae your trade. Telephone any time for Oak Flooring and Ceda'line.
Lor Angelea, GArfietd 7206 - Pagadena, Wakefreld 1634
N. H. PARSONS - 241 N. Allen Ave. - PASADENA
We Dcliver Anywhere PromPtlY.
X,f ANAGER wants position; thirteen years' experience in retaii lumber, city, town and country yards. Eight years manager one concern. Four years present connection in I-os Angeles territory. Aged 38, married. My references will convince. Box C-152. c/o Calif. Lumber Merchant.
POSITION WANTED ascredit manager for large single plant or chain of yards. Nearly five years California explrience in like capacity. Thoroughly experienced in eviry phase of the retail lumber business. Can keep the outstanding down to minimum and safeguard against losses. Ilox C-153, c/o Calif. Lumber Merchant.
WANTED TO PURCHASE sticker. [,umber
Used Planer, selffeed rip sau', jointer and Send full particulars to Box C-159, c/o California \4erchant.
Wants Position As Salesmanager Or As Representative On Territory
Am open for immediate reliable salaried connection as sales minager at the mill or as sales representative in the actual territory. Washington, Oregon, California and eastern experience. Wire orrvrite Allan Turner, 720 Euclid Avenue West, Detroit, Michigan'
Plans rvere made for a Ladies' Night during December and a New Year's Eve dance at the mouthly meeting of the Tom A. McCann Hoo-Hoo Club, held at N{cCloud on November 7. The Playground Committee announced that all the equipment has been installed in the new municipal playg.outtd,-a large part of the funds being suppll9q by the HooIIoo Club. Honorary memberships in the Club were voted to M. C. Flarris and E. R. Deering, principals of the high and grammar schools of McCloud.
Prisident C. B. Daveney presided over the meeting.
Southern-H ARDWOODS-Southern Oak Flooring and Maple Flooring l log First National Banh Buildins
Telephone Douslar 9117
Poles-Pileg-Creosoted Material
Central Building
TRinity 6332