3 minute read
(Continued from Page 48.)
The big rvholesale 1'ard of the old plant along the water front, is being remodeled and improved in various ways to take care of the increased tonnage which the consolidated units will develop. Mr. Tilden has a full half-mile of deep water front on Oakland Inner Harbor, most of which is developed. Their facilities for unloading lumber from the ships at their docks handle one million feet a day, and the present improvements aim to make the entire institution handle that same r.olttme. It is the aim and ambition of Mr. Tilden to unload and then distribute one million feet of lumber daily. To this end every mechanical device of proven worth has been installed in this great institution. Machinery unloads the lumber from the vessels, carries it to the distributor in the yard, and then carries it on chains through the distribution and piling departments. Enormous stocks of lumber and timber are carried in this wholesale yard. For instance, their average stock of cross-arm materials alone is 'rvell over 2,500,000 feet, all air-dried. Chains, carriers, hoists, and various other devices pile, haul, handle, and distribute the stock over the big plant. Everysort of lumber and timber used in California is found in large quantity in this great Tilden wholesale yard.
The manufacturing plants are much more remarkable even than the lumber department. It is doubtful if'there is any other wood working institution on earth that turns out as many interesting and varied rvood products, as do these plants. It would almost require a catalogue to enumerate the things they make in these plants. The fact that five hundred men are employed in the making gives some idea of the capacity of the institution.
"We make everything outof wood that anyone wants, and we cater to the whole world," said Mr. Tilden. On one hand you will see them making an 8O-foot flag pole out of a Fir timber. A few steps farther the entire equipment, pulpit and all, for a church, is being assembled. One cor-' ner of the plant makes 50,000 feet daily of National S-ply wallboard, their own proud product. The core of the board is Redwood lath, shaved thin, cemented together on the edge, dressed smooth, and covered on two sides by stout wall board paper. They think this is easily the strongest and best of wall boards. Theyship it north, south, east, and west. About a million feet went to New Zealand recently.
You rvill see them making Redwood pipes to go in every direction. The other day when the great flood struck the New England states a pipe line ofTilden make was threatened with destruction, but finally saved. Redwood pipes last forever, and are very practical. The Pacific Tink & Pipe Company handles this department' They also make tanks ofall sizes and kinds, going everywhere and anywhere, all of Redwood.
You rvill see knock-dolvn houses for industrial use being assembled for shipment to Mexico, or some other place. They have a new product of their own, a new outside sheeting board for rvalls, covered with staples to hold stucco. This is for exter.ior use in stucco houses. They built their orvn machines to insert the outside staples that hold the stucco.
Their millrvork plant is huge in proportions, and equipped rvith everl- der-ice for translating lumber into building things that hurnan ingenuity can devise. They make everr'thing from 'w'indon' frames to bank equipment, and are particularly proud of their office building equipment record.
There is a full-fledged sarvmill, also, as part and parcel of this big institution, in rvhich they sarv logs, timbers, etc.
At present they have been sawing up South American hardwood logs, of which there is a huge pile in their yard.
Some of the particular products ofthis big institution are: Municipal water system and irrigation district lines; power lines including syphons and penstocks for power houses; tanks and pipe for the paper industry; tanks and pipes for coal mines and the general mining industry, also for the oil fields; tanks for cyanide and filter process, and for canning, pickling,and olive industry; beech wood shavings are made for the vinegar purifying industry. All this is of Redwood.
The cross arm plant for power lines is one of the biggest in the country, and its clientele covers the nation.
They manufacture and distribute in great quantities all over the country the famous National line of built-in fix-