1 minute read
"EDCWOOD is to Siingles whal sterling is lo silver. It means that we can buy anil seII tlrese Slringles with the positive ossurance that everyone is perfect."
rf HIS is a splendid compliment to EDG^ WOOD Shingles. However,Mr. Petrich is a man of long experience in the retail lumber business. He is Prerident of the Petrich-Saur Lumber Company, one of the largest retail lumber dealerc in the State of Texas.
Dealers, write for EDGWOOD Free Cooperative Sales Plans!
rHE coNsoLrDArED r"r":r;rTjtJs oF BRrrrsH coLUMBrA,
!07-t Metropolltm Bullding Vancouvcr, B. C.
There' s Money in this K.itchen for YOU
THE modern way to sell casework is to handle it complete, just as you would doors.You never sell just the material for a door-why sell just the material for all new built-in conveniences? Scll them complete. The Prnnlnss line of built,in furniture consists of more than 8o different units. Every one ofthem is popular and agood seller. \l/e give exclusive agencies.
'Write for 19z6 Caulog and &.aler proposition.