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A big new rnarhet for eaer! alert lumber dealer
\TEARLv every woman longs for a tilelike II bathroom or kitchen. finished inoneofthe smart new colors.
Now Upson dealers can sell her the colorful tiling needed at about 1/l0th the cost ofold fashioned porcelain tiling.
Upson Fibre-Tile is ac.ompanion product of famous Blue Center Upson Ebard. Itc-omes in big room-wide sections. Patented Upson Fasteners eliminate all trac€ of ugly nail-marks. Once up, can't crack like cement or plaster tiling; can't chip; properly applied, should never wafp, Certified tests prove it resists jars, blows, heat, cold, even ordinary leaks. Enameled' cleans at a touch of a damp cloth. A proved success-already in usein thousandsof homes. We invite you to write today for samples finished in attractive colors and forfull details ofthe interesting dealer proposition which is increasing the pro-lts of so many Upson Selling Associates.
Upson Pt. Lockport, N. Y.