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Catifornia Redwood Association Holds Annual Meeting of Board of Directors
The annual meeting of the directors of the California Redwood Association was held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, on Tuesday, November 22. J. M. Hotchk-iss, Hotibs-Wall & Co.: Otis R. Johnson, Union Lumber Co-; L. C. Hammond, Hammond Lumber Co.; Fred V. Holmes, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co.; H. M. Hink, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., and P. C. McNevin, The Pacific Lumber Co., were reelected to serve as directors during the ensuing year.
-The report of R. F. Hammett, secretary-manager of the association, was approved and the association will continue the three-year program of advertising and trade promotion.
The board of directors will elect officers at an early date.
Following are extracts of the report of R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager of the Association:
Reference to statistical portion of Report, which has been mailed to each Member brings out the following interesting facts:
(1) Chart showing relation between actual Orderb, Production, Shipiaints and Mill Slocks, in relation to actual Production, in' dicites Redwood Orders, from 1925 (the year before our enlarged program was started) have maintained a healthy, decided, progressrve rncrease.
(2) By referring to our Four-Year Comparative Report- it will be seen that this inCrease shows up in our "Northern California," "sbuthern.California," "Eastern" art.{. "foreign" territpries. The total increase 1927 over 1925 amounS, in round numbers, to 67,000,000 feet; an increase of. 24 per cenl over the 1925 figures.
(3) This 24 per cent increase, 1927 over 1925, is divided, in round numbers. as follows:
1926 over 1925... ....21,000,000 feet
1927 over 1926 .. 46,000,000 feet
(4) This upward trend in Redwood Orders-in relation to actual Production-is.far more marked, for Redwood, than is the case with the four other competing species pictured,
(5) Redwood Stocks at the Mill materially have been reduced and that reduction is at a far more rapid rate than is the case with the four competing species pictured.
Reference to chart showing three-year relation between actual Orders. Production and Shipments in relation to normal Production brings out the following:
(6) Redwood shows a continuous upward trend in its Orders Received.
(7) Redwood is the only one of the five competing species here pictured which does show this three-year upward trend.
(8) Redwood is the only one of the five competing species here pictured which shows orders and shipments distinctly ebove normal production for the year 1927.
(9) Redwood's actual production is 86 per cent of normal-e figure which is the average for the five species shown.
(10) The favorable condition indicated above has been brought about in the face of a decline in volume of building-t927 compated, with 1926-of. 2 per cent for residential and 33 per cent for industrial building in the "East" and a reduction of l0 per cent for atl classes of building on the Pacific Coast, according to F. W. Dodgc & Company's Graphic Review lor the third quarter of 1927.
Considerable time and efigrt.has been spent this last year upon getting as complete, careful and impartial a check on the efficiency of oui advertising as it was possible to accomplish without undue expenditure of time and money. The main portion of this check consisted ofa follow-up letter, with return post card, to 11.000 "pr'ospects." Sixteen percent replies were received. These replies from "prospects" were ther; checked, by correspondence, with retail yards.
Statistics and remarks on check of advertising, as included in Report and as highlighted here are based on the above check plus a second check, similarty made but showing a still higher percentage of returns as against last year's "prospects."
(11) Our Consumer Advertising. for the past 12 months, has loped over 30,000 prospects. Thirty-three out of every 100 developed built and used Redwood within 18 months after answering our adadruilt, within 18 months, vertising. Twenty-eight out of every 100 built, v/ithin 1 without usine Redwood. Thirtv-nine out of everv 100 m: using Thirty-nine every may, or may not, build with, or without, Redwood after,18 months.
(Continued on Page 26)