3 minute read
One Gerlinger lDoes Worls of Traetorsl Trailefsr Grane and Filteen lf,en
and deliaers 32 pieces of pipe insteo,d of 4 by other ntethod
A Honolulu contractor, using two tractors, two trailers, a crane and fifteen men, was only able to move four pieces of pipe, 48" inside diameter by 14 feet long, weighing 6| tons, in an eight-hour day. The hauling cost per pip. was $ 16.
Now with a GerlingerHydraulic Carrier, this same contractor needs but two men to move thirty-two pieces of pipe in a day -AT A COST OF $ | PER PIPE. Loading and unloading are accomplished without assistance due to thehydraulic lifting device. In ten days, the saving effected paid for the carner.
Gerlinger Hydraulic Carriers pay for themselves in a very short time. We shall be glad to explain how.
Schumacher Will Build Another Huge Board Mill
The Schumacher Wall Board Corporation of Los Angeles announce that work will start immediately on a new and separate unit at their local plant, rvhich will double the present production of the company. It will be a huge buildrng, equipped with every latest device for the production of plaster board, and will be in operation by early spring.
It will be remembered that new equipment was added to the present unit last summer that doubled the production of the old plant. When the new unit is in operation the production of plaster board by this company will be four times what it was six months ago, and the plant will be the biggest and finest plaster board institution in the entire world.
More details will be given later.
(Continued trom Page 24)
(lZ) 'We have followed through on a number of these prospects, getting an unbroken chain of correspondence which, starting with the prospect's request for our Plan Book, follows through unbroken chain including our reply to the prospect (referring him to the Redwood Dealer) o,ur sending of the prospect's name to the Redwood Dealer, our follow-up letter asking the prospect if hc built and if he used Redwood, the prospect's reply saying that he has built, has used Redwood for Siding and was assisted by the Redwood Dealer and then the last check, a letter from the Redwood Dealer saying that the prospect did build and bought from him 7-in. Redwood Drop Siding.
(13) These prospect lists, which we send every two weeks to retail yards stocking Redwood, are used ,by approximately 50 per cent of the retail yards and are of direct sales value to the yards using them. The value of these prospects to the yards that do use them persistently and intelligently is shown by the following quotation, which is one of many on file in our office. This individual Dealer says:
Jerry Sullivan, Jr., vice-president and manager of the Sullivan Hardwood Co. and secretary-manager of the Western Lumber Co., rvas elected president of the San Diego Chamber of Commerce at a meeting of the board of directors on November 3. During the past 1-ear, he served as a member of the board of directors.
Mr. Sullivan is associated rvith his father, Jerry Sullivan, and his brother, Herbert L. Sullivan, in the lumber business in San Diego. He has always taken an active part in the civic affairs of San Diego and is an enthusiastic chamber of commerce worker. He is well knorvn in lumber circles along the Pacific Coast and his many lumbermen {riends rvill be pleased to hear that he has been so honored by the Chamber of Commerce of his city.
"Your prospect lists run 30 per cent home builders. We land 25 per cent of this 30 per cent on some of the many Redwood items."
The following attended the meeting: Henrv Faull, Hammond Lumber Co.; Jack Reed, J. R. Hanify Co.; W. D. Dunning. Thb Little River Redwood Co.; Joe Fifer, Albion Lumber Co.; J. M. Hotchkiss, Hobbs-Wall & Co.; G. N. Whiteside, Hobbs-Watl .& Co.; W. M. Casey, Casper Lumber Co.; C. R. Johnson, Unlon Lumber Co.; Otis R. Johnson, Union Lumber Co.; H. M. Cochran, IJnion Lumber Co.; Fred V. Holmes, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co.; P. C. McNevin, The Pacific Lumber Co.; A. J. Nolan, The Pacific Lumber Co.; H. M. Hink, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.; Chas. Dodge, E. J. Dodge Co.; H. W. Sinnock, Redwood Sales Co.; D. W. Jennings, I-ord & Thomas and Logan; M. Kingstey, Lord & Thomas and Logan; Don Sooy, Lord &'L'homas and Logan; Max Cook, California Redwood Association; R. H. Meroux, California Redwood Association; B. N. Bullock, Dolbeer & Carson Lumbcr Co.; R.F. Hammett, tCalifornia Redwood Association; L. C, Hammond, Hammond Lumber Co.