1 minute read
WryHoneerDeale 'Tp:"t:,1-'i:"r and l,
DIONEER Super Quality Roll Roofings
L have been developed with one idea in mind .. to produce the best roofing money can buy. For every type offlat or sloping roofthere is a particular Pioneer Roofing to give the utmost in value. Where-can you find better, smooth surfaced roofings than NEW METHOD, FLAXINE and MARATHON . or better mineral surfaced roofings tndi YOSEIv{ITE HEAVY DUTY ROCK SURFACED oT SHINGLE DESIGN ROLL ROOFINGS . . both absolutelv non-fading.
A Complete Line of Building Felts
AGAIN in Pioneer Building and Waterl1 proofing Felts the Pioneer Dedi-er has an advantage for every use in cfistruction there is a proper type and graTe of felt . saturated coated .or both whatever the customer needs,
-[-HERE are only three-phings your customers expect from you only three things, but if they I don't get all those three things you don't get thi sale. Firlt, they want a particulir product . . roll roofing, shingles orawaterproof cement. Next, they want VALUE . the utmost in quality for the money. Last, but mostlimportant if you are to make the sale, they want SERVICE . . delivery right now!
Just glance over the complete line of roofing and waterproofing products the Pioneer Dealer has for his customer not an item that he cannot supplyt Then go backthroughmore than 30 years