2 minute read
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A Complete Line of Shingles
T\TO SHINGLE prospecr needs go elseI \ where to get exactly what he wants . . the Pioneer Dealer has every practical size and type of individual and strip and the exclusiveSuperHexagonal Shingle, a massive shingle of attractive design and double roofing thickness. Nowhere can a more complete range of colorsbe found. and Pioneer shingle colors arethenatural, non-fading shades of the crushed Yosemite rock surfacing. Here is real variety . ., real value and immense stocks to insure real service
A Complete Line of Coatings, Cernents, etc.
EOR coating and re-saturating roofs, I for stopping leaks and holes in ranks, flumes, skylights, drains; for waterproofing and dampproofing basement walls, boncrete tanks, roofslabs in fact for every waterproofing and dampproofing requirement there is a Pioneer Product to give your customer better value.
of western building records . . see where Pioneer Quality has'ever been surpassed or even equalled . find greater VALUE in any other products. Make a check among Pioneer Dealers . . find, if you can, an instance when Pioneer Stocks, Pioneer Service or PioneerProducts have ever failed them . whether a sale depended upon it or not!
Whenall is said and done when all the selling talk is cleared away . there is only one thing that interests the dealer. He wants to MAKE MORE MONEY by makihg more friends and more sales. PIONEER DEALERS HAVE FOUND THE ANSWER . . . YOU CAN, TOO!
As the accompany- i.g photograph shows, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Herwig are experts when it comes to catching fish. The string of hsh they are exhibiting rvas caught at the mouth of the Eel River in Humboldt county. Mrs. Herwig gained the distinction of catching the largest salmon yet caught in that locality, the fish weigh- irg twenty-f ive pounds and, according to reports, she had a great time landing
H. 'E. Verble, district manager of the Valley Lumber Co., Fresno, died Novernber 19 as the result of a fall from his automobile on the previous night. As the machine was being brought to a stop by his son, I{al Verble, IVIr. Verble started to alight and the door of the car struck him, knocking him to the pavement. He did not regain consciousness after the accident. lle rvas forty-five years of age.
Mr. Verble had been a resident of Fresno County for twenty-five years.
said salmon.
Mr. and Mrs. Herwig were married on October 29 and spent their honeymoon at Scotia, wh,e1e they were the guests of the Pacific Lumber Co. Mr. Herwig is a prgryinent retail lumberman of Watsonville and is manager of the Watsonville Lumber Co. Prior to their return to their home at Watsonville, they spent a few days in San Francisco, where they were entertained by Jimmie Atkinson of the Charles R. McCormick Lumber Co.
L. J. Woodson, thewell known San Francisco representative of Laminex Doors, spent a few days in the San Joaquin Valley around the first of the month.