1 minute read
Starts to Write Christmas Greetings and Gets Off on Ducks.
New Orleans, La., December, 1927.-Shirt sleeves-an open windowthe themometer ".yirg s€venty .five or soe---and I'm supposed to write Christmas greetings-it just won't come. It'd be easier to tell you about how the ducks arc 6lying, corning down out of the cold old North thq same time as the rich boys, flying low over your house-the duckc, you understand, not the rich boys-you cim hear them o' nights if you happen to be awake, or haverr't gone to bed-or about that drive Sunday on the sixth hole-or even devote some of this space to the new plant HDE have installed for the making of dimensionr-allyoudo is send them the size you need for worlcing and they ship it to you in nice clear stock, bundled as Pfetty as anything-I saw some of this a week ago when I was up at Oakdde-but that would be advertising and this is Christmas and all I'm supposed to do is to extend the good wishes of the company to all you folks that buy from them---or that ought to-
---so, we'fe coming to it at [as1-1e these friends of HDE we want to say "Christmas Greetings" and "A Happy New Year." Ve wish you a good wife<nd chil&eqr that run to meet you at night<nd enough money so that you will not be worried too much<nd a few real ftiends-and health and all these other good things that we strive for-and-if we'deserve them-aet+ometimGs-
Oakdale Harduoods-Pine