2 minute read
Pacific Coast Plywood Manufacturers, Inc., To Ship Products in Standard Packages
The Pacific Coast Plywood Manufacturers, fnc., Seattle, in charge of the sale of Fir Plywood for the Walton Veneer Company, Everett, Wn.; The Elliott Bay Mill Company, Seattle, Wn.; Veneer Company, Olympia, Wn., and the Portland Mfg. Company, Portland, Oregon, four of the oldest and best equipped mills in the Pacific Northwest, announce a new standard of plywood marketing value in the adoption of standard packages for the distribution oI this product.
The more economical handling of Fir Plywood by dealers all over the United States is accomplished by this plan.
Nine standard packages are made to accommodate twenty-seven different sizes of plywood, an assortment which will cover the needs of almost any sort of manufacture or use.
The wood-fibre, dust-proof cartons will enable the dealer to keep this stock always fresh and clean looking. The last piece in the carton will be as easy to sell as the first one. It will have the same satin-smooth finish that dis-
(Continued from Page 8) City, Mo. Dr. Raphael Harwood Miller, pastor of the Independence Boulevard Christian Church and Dr. George Hamilton Combs', pastor of the Country Club Christian Church, conducted the services. fnterment, Forest Hill Cemetery.
Active pall bearers were: D. R. Bodwell, R. E. Hill, Earl Kenyon, C. C. Fritz, F. B. Littleton, Frank Lauder, F. V. Baxter and Paul E. Kendall, all of the Long-Bell company. Ifonorary pall bearers included several friends tinguishes Fir plywood, just as it leaves the factory.. No re-sanding, no scratches, dirt or stains to clean off before it is ready to use. The carton also prevents moisture absorption and possible subsequent raising of the grain. of Mr. Long, members of the Board of Elders of the church and directors of The Long-Bell Lumber Company. tTt qUCCESS in building motor J trucks particularlY adaPted to western work promPted More' land to go a step further in special' ization. The Moreland line of 11 basic chassis, ranging in capacities from one-ton to 34rOOO Pounds, includes models especially design' ed for industries where low cost hauling means everything.
Recent experiments have been made with PA-CO carton-covered plywood, demonstrating the great practicability and usefulness of this advanced method of distribution.
The Pacific Coast Plywood Manufacturers, Inc., are guaranteeing their PA-CO carton-covered Fir Plywood against manufacturing defects. Replacements will be made of any panels which do not meet the grade requirements of the Douglas Fir Plywood Institute.
The factories selling through the Pacific Coast organization are also branding their trade mark in the edges of this stock to insure against substitution.
Arrangements are being made with Fir Plywood jobbers throughout the United States'to carry these standard, carton-covered packages so that immediate shipment of one carton or a dozen can be made to the outlying districts where only smaller quantities are needed.
All offices and manufacturing plants of The Long-Bell Lumber Company were closed the day of the funeral. At Longview, Washington, where Mrs. Long had been a frequent visitor and unusually active in the new city's welfare during its five years growth, her many friends held memorial services at the Longview Community Church at 12:30 p.m., Pacific Coast time, November 24, corresponding with the time of the services in Kansas City.
I ffn GREATEST irnprovement in Two.in.One Table Deeign. Sturdier conttruction, eirrrpler action, longer life. Add tremendous sales appeal to your tables. Manufacturere \r'ill be licensed to use thie nerr conrtruction [patent applied for].
Vfite lor detaib anil eatnple!

In timberland or citY street 66 lumber tyP" " Morelands haul greater loads in less time with more profit. For logging, Moreland six-wheelers eliminate weave I no