2 minute read
Wbuld You Stake 'Your,Reputation on a Roof
When you rell your clicnt e chcep, infcrior roofing, you rirk your own'good rredc! ' li-docritt taLc long for our driving rainr end blirtcring rurr to open thc 6rrt lcak. Thcn your cliot forgctr ebout thc noney you ravcd hirn. 't'yc becn rtungrtt bc. teyt-lnd hc'r through with you. E:pcriencc har thown thet it ir rafc to rpccify Wcrvcr Roofng. TVc rtend beck of lVcavcr Roofing with a rcll guerrntcc. A guerantcc thtt I'rotcctt you r. wcll er your cu.tomcr. We will rteLc our rcputrtion on lVcrvcr Roofr-becaurc wc Luow thcy WILL Lart lonlcr. And thcrc erc ovcr 25n00 lVcrvcr Roofr in thc Southwcrt to pnovc our cbimr.
they do not take the required action within the alloted time, within twenty-five days they ivill'have to set a date for a special electiron.
The ordinance proposed by the lumbermen is the same as the exist-ordinance, except for the following additions:
(1) Allows to be used on all new constructions in the City of Berkeley; 100 per cent vertical grain, 5 to 2 inch or thicker, wooden shingles.
(2) Provides that each shingle be nalled with not less than two nails of the following kinds; copper, zinc, zinc coated, and commercially pure iron. Nails to be of at least I2l gaage and not less than lr/a inch long.
(3) Provides that existing wood shlngle roofs may be repaired with shingles and nails as described above, on the same basis as roofs may be repaired with other materials approved by the existing ordinance.
The management of the Lumbermen's campaign is in charge of R. F. Hammatt, se'cretary-manager of the California Redwood Association.
Fred Holmes Returns From Eureka Trip
Fred Holmes, of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from a weeks' business trip to the company's mill operations at Eureka. He states that the redwood mills of Humboldt County are running to full capacity.
Mr& in variour gn&e, veightr ud colon for all typer of buildingr Muufactured by lVavcr noor loryTy., !!.A"tgl-, CdlforDrr SYLVEIITER L.'WEAVER Brordrry f?tl
A.colored brother showing,6very semblance of rage, was swingirig his fiets'ohinously add "cuesing" Sam Johnsing wittr cv.ry vchoinous word and threat in range of his vocalulary, for sotnething the other had dotte, and vowing vengeince when he caught up with him.
A by-stander cut in with: "Mose, you ought to be shamed of yosef to talk bout dat pore boy Sam Johnsing dat way. Do:r't yo'all know dat Sarn Johnsing is a pore otphant, an ain't got no home?"
"Good," exclaims the threatening one t'When Ah meets him Ah digs him 1 !ome.'l
The colored sister came in to the lawyers offiCC and announced that she wanted to get a "divo'ce'f frorn her husband.
'"Has he beert mistreating you?" ashed the lawyer.
"Ah should say not. Ah'd like to see dat littte shrimp 'buse me."
"\ilfell, doesn't he support you."
"Yassuh, he buys Mah victles an clothes good as mos' niggahs."
"Does he get drunk?"
"Nosuh, Sam don't drink no time."
"Then what on earth do you want to divorce such a good man, if he supports you well, don't drink, and doesn't migtreat you?"
"Well suh, Jedge, Ah'll tell you. Ah jes nachally have los Mah taste fo dat niggah, dats all."
Our large and diversified stock enablee ua to give unueual service even on the most varied and difficult orders.
Thc building bolow ir r burincl bloclc in thc Country Club Dirtrict of Kunr City.
Abovc lr tlc Nclt Obat n Eotcl' I(rrrtr. Clty' Dlt.roud.
DEMAND QUAUTY OAK FLOORING lrhc rhrcwd cortEcto! tcallrcr tltt ir.t clrr| bEUiIntr dctnrDd thc bat imrlng orn thc mirtct. Ec knowr tlrt tuDcrlor BnDal -sADcrlcltl Flncr]trt Oah
Floodlg: owlng to ltr Inallvlduil uctloil ol nrnutreturc, Lat tt ranrtkiblt unllotu no||tuDc contctrt whlel rcduccr thc cLatrcc ot (crDDhtt rnd (buck- lhtt to thc vory mlrrlnun. IIc alro Lnow. tbrt tl|r rupcrlo! ioorlng lr ill.lcd o. 611s-heaal nluhs nr- chlncrt whlch DloducGa r (acc illrh uncqlallod by rnt othcr Dlocen. ?ILrt |r why hG plaecr h|| cortnct wlth grt)Gdor Oak Floorh3 ilcalcrr. ll you arc lot r gut)crlor dcdct ar|r tr to tcll tor hor tt wlll bGlGlt tou to bcconc orc.
This Quality

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