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\,YOI]RIvTILL OR EACTOFY al LONICil/I EI^f, warh iyyto n.
Tl'N seeting a location for your mill or factory on the ll Pacific Coast, youwillprobably favor the cornlnuDlI ity which offers the best facilities and advantages. t-ongview is willing to stand on its merits. Here ate a nrimber of questions which you may askr-with brief answent3
Where ls Longvlew? In Cowlitz County,'Washington, at the iunctionof the Cowlitz and Columbia Rivers, fifty miles from Potland and fiftv miles from the Pacific Ocean lVhat Railroads Serve Lonwiew? The Notthern Pacific, Union Pacific and Great NorthernseweLong view dhecdy. The Longview, Potland and Northern \as longvierp as its souihern terminus and taps the rich Cowlitz Rlvet valley northward'
Has Lonryiew a Deep Water Harbot? longderfs a tidewater port on the Columbia Rivec. Oc€an' going carriers stop at its docks.
WhatHighway ConnectionsHae Longvlew? Lontr vlew is the connecting link between the Pacific Highway, on the north side of the Columbia River, and the Columbia River Highway on the south side. The Pacific Highway is a north and south highway running from SouthernCalifornia to Canada. The Columbia River Highway follows the Columbia Rivet inland.
What ts Longvierds Location In Regard to Populal tion in the Pacific Northwest? Longview is located practically in the center of the principal population area inthe Pacific Northwest. Insideacircle with a hundrcd mtle tadius is to be found nearly one,half of the bo'p ulation of the Pacific Northwest Longview is fifty miles from Portland and 133 miles from Seatde. lVhat Foreign Trade Possibilitiee hae Longview? l,ongview is advantageously located for reaching the markets of the Pacific ports. Ithas direct water routeg to euch potts an Yokohama, Singapore, Manila, Aus, tralia, New Zealand and South America. Great Britain and Europe are also markets wtrich can be teached from Longview. lVhat Ie the Climate of Inngview? Puget Sound and the lower Willamette Vallen with Ionwiew in the center, ate the favored communities in the Unitd States, with neatly a L00To ideal maximum and minimum temperature conducive to the highest degee of physical and mental efficiency. Seattle and Portland have the lowest death rate in the United States. The infant mortality rate is unusually low, and the lowest tn the United States. The climate is mild the year round, avoiding e:(cesses of heat in summer and cold' in winter. lVhat Ie the Progrees of Longviewt longview has nearly 500 buildings, all sizes and many othen in coune of constnrction. The first unit of the fir mill of The Long-Bell Lumber Company is takingon gigantic goportions and will be running by the middle of 1924. About thirty stores are in operation. Forty-four miles of sneets are graded, twenty-four miles are graveled and six are paved with concrete. There areseventeen milee of concrete sidewalk, fifteen miles of sanitary sewers, seven miles of storm sewers and fourteen miles of permanent water line.
What Ig the Domesdc llfarket of Longylew? The immediate market is the Pacific Northwest. California ie a teady markeg economically teached by coastwise 8teamef,s. The great middle west and eastern markets ate reached by the transcontinenal railnrays mentloned above. The Atlantic Coast is teached by ocean going liners via Panama Canal.

Is Longview IncatedlntheTimberRegion? Iongview is in the very heart of the great Douglas fir region of Western 'Washington and Oregon, in close prox. imity to billions of feet of timber.
Ie Longvlew Suitable for a Mill Sitel Longview is edvantageously located for lumber manufacture because of its transportation facilities already men ti,oned and because of the accessibility to the timber.
Ioge can be cheaply and easily fiansported on the Cowlitz arrd Columbia Rivers. They can also be shipped in by rail.
Is Longview Advantageoualy Located for a l\f,anu, factuer of Logging and Mill Suppliec? Iprgviewfs located in the midst of the timber and lumber manufactudngdistricts of thePacific Slope. The transpor. tation facilities of water, rail and highway af,orl easy acce$ to the majority of these mills.
Has Longview Abundaat tlectric Power? LonCvies/ is served by hydtoelectric lines, and power will elso be available from the immense electric power plant now in prtrcess of construction at longview.
Is Fuel Available? C.oal is mined close by in Cow. litz and Lewis Counties. Fuel oil can be shipped in at low tidesrater rates.
What Are the Living Conditions at Longview? longview,with its scientifically planned manufacturing, commercial and residential disticts, broad streets and boulevards, parks and civic center, is an attractivi community in which to live. Men with families, a very stable class of labor, will favor such a corffilunity for a permanent home. The mild climate, recreation and scenic advantages are added inducements to attract labor.
Whtle lndtcationo point to the fact that Iorgvtew wtthtn five yeara, will ..doubtedly be one of the important cidea of the Pacifc Northwert, tte preaent prices of manufacturing and reeidential property are based upon actual cost of devclopmenL Retail businec property may be bought in the new city on a basis equivalent to rimilar locadonr in cider of 4rOOO to 8'OOO populadon.
A sta,tenpnt of your requ,i,rements uill brh,grgou a repl,g ilntoiling tlu ad'oantogea tlnt Longl/i,clt, ofiera gour lina oJ bu'einpss.
November Building Totals
Here are the totals of the building permits issued in November, 1923, compared to the same month in 1922, for a few of the larger cities in the state.
San Francisco ..........$
Garry Bennett Makes New Announcement
Garry E. Bennett, the rvell known San Francisco wholesaler and California representative of the Dody Lumber & Shingle Co., announces that the name of the Bennett-Hamlin Lumber Co. will be knorvn in the future as the G. E. Bennett Lunrber Co., with offices at 110 Market Street, San Francisco.

Gus Made Good
On his recent visit to Los Angeles, Gus Russell, of the Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, was held up to considerable doubt and ridicule on his tales of the wohderful duck hunting that he had been enjoying arou,nd his horne town. Gus told the southern boys that he always had his lim'it by eight in the morning, and that he could prove it.
The proof came, just three days after Gus left. Floyd Dernier, of the Lumbermens' Service Association, received a bag of the finest, fattest sprig duck that he has ever seen, and he says that Gus has convinced him, that the hunting in that country must be good.
University of Washington, Seattle, Dec..1, 1923.-Giving the University of Washington facilities for the study of forestry and lumbering, which will be unsurpassed anywhere in the country, Mrs. Alfred H. Anderson, widow of a pioneer lumberman of Seattle, last u'eek, presented to the IJniversity, board of reg'ents, the sum of $250,000 to be expended for a building to'be called "The Alfred H. Anderson Hall of the College of Forestry," in memory of her husband.
The building will be constructed at once near the present Forest Products Laboratory.
Alfred H. Anderson, to whom the gift is a tribute, was connected with the Mason Cottnty Logging Company, the Phoenix Logging Company, the Simpson Logging Company, and the Simpson-Anderson Timber Company, all orvning timber and operating in I\{ason, Thurston,,Clallam, Gray's Harbor, and Jefferson counties. He was elected from Mason County as a member of the second legislature of this state.
l-Large or snrll dry kilrr Rxrms for drying pine, fir, redwood, or oak lumber.
2-Dtv kiln truckr, tranrfer cara, recording and regulating inrtrumentr.
3-Soule fat or edse lumber rtackers.
,f,'-Ieidelt Lumber Lifu.