1 minute read
Superior Cernent Stucco
NorE.-Lumber merchants, if you ;]o.Jo1fft"', ato"r,., cement Stucco, phone or write us for a set of samples-we will help you sell it.
Decenrter 15, 194
icb, Parson Simpkin was a San Francisco visitor during the' pi^st week. He has left for Coos Bay to attend the toncdtenatiotr that will be held there in the near future. "Billy" Mack, the well known Northwest lumberman and aiprominent Hoo-Hoo, is looking after the advance work' for ,the Coos Bav Concat.
Our old friend, Milton Metzler, the live wire of the Miller Box & Lumber Company, was the chairman of the day, at the Los Angeles Hoo H6o Club luncheon, at the City eiub, I-os Angeles, on December 6th.
The Snark, H. L. Rosenberg was in the chair as usual to start things oft on this day, and he was rudely interrupted at the start of his talk, by one Curtis '\Milliams, w,ho, dressed as an officer, led in a half dozen hard looking characters, all with long white rvhiskers. Curtis had remembered that this waJ"Old Timers Dayi' and he came prepared to show said old timers off, by furnishing some of the boys with the false whiskers, and marshalling them in the room. He told the members that he had picked them up along the street, and brought them along.
A good many faces were seen at the table, that had not been seen for some time. E. A. Goodrich was welcomed as a stranger. This is Good's first meeting for a long time. Flenry Swafford turned out, late as usual, and several more of the good Hoo Hoo, responded to the call to make it a real meeting. About sixty-five noses were counted.
The Concatenation committee rvas called on for a report. Jack Rea, chairman of the committee told the boys that December 14th, was the date, and the City Club, the place. Dinner will be held at the club. and the balance of'the arrangements are being kept secret, and will be divulged