4 minute read
Going IHIome IFon Chnistmas
' He was scated in his desk chair, With a time card in his hand, And a smile upon his features That I could not understand; When I found him in the office After hours and all alone, The lamps had all been lighted, ' The whistle long had blown.
"Well, old chap" said I, "why linger, When your busy mates have gone? Don't you know it's past the hourAnd you still working on?"
But he reached out for a letter As though he didn't hear, Just opened it, and read a part, And smiled from ear to ear.
"Why, I'm going home for ChristmasGoing home for Christmas Day, I am going to see my mother Mann many miles away, Here's a letter she has written Asking that her boy come home, The family now is scattered And she's living there alone. I can't reeist her letter, Let me read you just a line; 'Come home and I will feed you On those mincemeat pies of mine; I'll let you try my new preserves And sample all my jell, And bake some of the cookies That you used to love so well.'
Thcn at the end she says: 'Please come I'm getting old you know, Youtve been away for seven years, I want te sce you so.' ttWhatts yourn?"
So f'm going home for Christmas For I can't resist the call, It's the only place one ought to be On Christmas after all."
The Reason
It was evil looking, evil sme[i4g rnedicine,,{nd tl1 bit of a girl hated to take it. "But" plea<ied her father, '1youf, poor old da his last dollar for this medicine."
Much impressed, the child swallowed it. A few moments later she said to her daddy, pathetically: "Daddy, if you can afrord it I'd like to frow this up."
Under the holly with Polly, With Polly, bewitchingly shy; A glint of warm gold in her tresses, A hint of blue drearn in her eye; A fig for the night and its storming, Come music, and laughter, and folly, We'll lift a blythe tune Where it's sumrner and June*
Under the holly with Polly.
Perhaps This Iiieans You
"Madam" said the patient saleslady to the peevish sho14nr, "you seem tb have the rhyme right ,but the word wrong."
"What do you mean?" snapped the customer. "The papers have been saying, "Do your Christmas shopping early-11e1 surly."
When big vessels meet, they say, They saloot an' sail away, Jest the same as you an'me, Lonesome ships upon a sea; Each one sailing on his jog, For a port beyond, the fog, Let yer spealrin' trumpet blow, List yer horn an'say "Iful16.'r
[.Y[NG thick him. ugs of coffeg The fartfilious lorc a lot of our trade." person
"rr ro' catch one of your children lying, aon', gffiuu and rush at him like an ogre. Be honest with him. Tell him the truth. Tell him you've told hundreds of them yourself. Tell him that between truth and lying, truth is the best policy. Tell him you knorr-you'vg tried both."
"Cofree and rolls, my Onc of those lJ pushed over tfie counter sGcmed dazed.
"\tr/here's the saucer he inqufr ' ' "\lfe don't use no herE. If we did some lowbrow'd come pilin' an' drink out of his saucer, an' we'd
No Wonder
There was a young sculptor named Phidias, Whose art it was very insidious, He drew Aphrodite
Without any nightie
Which g'reatly shocked, the fastidious.
i'Former San Diego Lumber Man Now With Ins Angqles Wholesale Firm
Mr. M. R. Jayne, formerly connected with the San Diego Lumber Company, has taken a position with Johnson & Koch, Los Angeles wholesalers, and after a few weeks in the Los Angeles territory; lryill go into Arizona for this company.
Johnson & Koch are selling large quantities of Atizona white pine, in the Southern California market, handling stocks from the Aiizona Lumber & Timber Company, at Flagstaff.
They also sell for the Geo. T. Mickle Ltrmber Company, of Portland. This mill, rvith their connections has a large output of all grades of fir, and is sending a considerable quantity into California.

Coast Counties Lumbermens Club Holds Meeting
The Coast Counties Lurnbermens' Club, composed of lumbermen from Santa C'ruz, Monterey, San Benito and San Louis Obispo Counties, met at Salinas on November l7th, at the Jeffrey Hotel.
Mr. C. H. Grifien, of the.Homer T. Hayward Lumber Company reported on the California Retail Lumbermens' Association Convention.
The question of cartage came up in regard--to the way the dealirs of Salinas were pooling all the deliveries with one transfer company and the successful way it was.being worked out. It ls tb be investigated by m,embers in adjoining towns.
ThJquestionnaire sent orit bythe California Retail Lumbermen's Association was answered and forwarded to them at San Francisco.
For 18 Yead
..CHICKASAW BRAND'' OAK FIOORING har been r r{lndard of Grade{ualitv-Manufacture
Manufactured By
Floori ng Go. Memphis;T€nn.
ABd Dittributed BY E. M. SLATTERY Lynwood, CaL GEO.
Ah invitation was received'from'A: L. Porter of the Western Retail Lurn,bermens' Association for this organization to takc part in the program at the next convention in Los Angeles. !
A discu&ion followed about' getting bankers to assist home builders, and soriie of the firms in one of the cities represented in this club are to have a conference with the bankers of that place to see if it is possible to have them provide a fund for first mortgage loans.
- The lumber dealers rights in regard to liens carrie up and some very ,interesting things were brought forth.
The next meetingls to be held in Watsonville December 15th. Some of the topics to come up before this meeting are cost of doing business, turn-over, and credits.
Bay District Lumbermen To Hold Golf Tournament
A committee composed of Dave Painter, Chairmalt, C. Stowell Smith, Theodore Lerch, and Fred Palmer has been appointed to arrange for a Lumbermen's Golf Tournament in ltre Bay District. It is planned to start the tournament about the middle of December. The golf enthusiasts of the Bay City are looking forward with much pleasure. to the tournament .and a large number of entries are anticipated to contest for the various honors.
R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco, addressed the Builder's Exchange of Stockton on Saturday, December 1. He save a very interesting talk on Conservation and the tim6"r t"touties of the Pacific Coast, and also spoke on the conservation work that was being carried on by the redwood manufacturers along planting and reforestation lines.
'Thc Honc of Slsillcd Woodrorlcn'